Chapter 8

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      I know what I did is wrong and now I'm being called by papa to his office and just by hearing the murmuring of the pack members, It was confirmed that he's angry, and what shock the most is the fact that there is no single fear abiding me towards his office.

      I never even once anger the late alpha and I've seen the worst in him and it makes me fear me, but now, not a single sweat breaks free. I know there was a huge consequences that I am yet to face.

      I walk down the endless hallway, having the pack members bowing at me when they see me. Being a beta means to share the alpha's responsibilities of the pack with you, and that also means being respected by everyone.

      It did took me quite a bit long before I reached the late Alpha's office. Khaled's office was his office back when he was in charge of the pack but now that he had came down from the position, he found himself an empty room to be his office.

      Yes, papa came down from being the alpha of the pack but that doesn't mean he can now travel everywhere to relax and enjoy his life because that's not how things works. He still has to works behind everything and his work, well, just making sure that the bond we had with the other packs are all fresh and by that, he has to call and invest time on talking with the recent alphas of the packs we're alliance with.

      I knock on the door before opening it up and enter after I heard him saying 'come in,' and I lock the door behind me and boy, the late alpha doesn't look happy right at the moment.

      "What were you thinking Alak!" I did not flinch from the sudden raised of his voice along with the cracking sound of the table having fists slammed on it roughly.

      "I was doing my job as the Alpha's friend; to support and help him with everything," I answered and boy it made the alpha glared at me. He's even more pissed by hearing my answer.

      "And tha means what?! That means helping him raping his brother again?! And not just his own damn brother because now he claims Kyle's mate as his?! Is that what you want him to achieve?! I don't fucking care if he likes boys, get him some manwhore or whatever since you wanted to help him then find another way!" I had the same level of anger as his right at the moment. I failed to hold myself back.

      I got my finger pointing at the man in front of me with much anger and disappointment. "Don't you dare say such words, alpha! Khaled is innocent! I may not be able to prove it to you but he's innocent!" I stood for the sake of Khaled. I'm tired hearing the whispering of him being the villain in the story because he isn't!

      "Mind your voice, action and words when you're talking to me, Beta. And what do you mean he's innocent! Don't make such a lame joke, boy because we all got the chance to see it! We saw him, you saw him, he had himself forced into his own brother and you're going to claim that he's innocent?! How pathetic!" I had my fists clenched tightly.

      "I'm so disappointed in you, alpha. If only you could see beyond the part of the picture that you're only focusing on, then you'll probably realized that Khaled had suffer from pain and misery than his brother," only if he could understand everything then he'll realized that he's wrong.  

      "What I saw is enough proof for me to hate him. I made a mistake of listening to your damn words and set him free from death! He can't bring Kyle's normal life again! He can't bring him back his virginity! And now that he had found his mate, he's going to ruin them?! I won't let that happen!" My anger grew stronger as I hear him mentioning about that specific thing.

      "You're such a stupid fool of an alpha! Do you really think Khaled would cry when you had his neck tied with the rope in front of everyone knowing what he had done wrong?! He won't because his pride was so damn high! But he cried, didn't he? He looked so weak, scared and you know why?! Do you fucking know why?!" I had my hands wrapped around the alpha's collar on his shirt.

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