Chapter 17

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      It was the light that made me open up my eyes. I don't feel the usual aching pain that I usually feel everyday when I woke up. I found out that I was laying on the ground.

      My eyes widen as I immediately push myself up, looking around the green grassy hill that I am sitting on. For some reason, I started to panic because I didn't know how nor why did I woke up here.
      "Hello!" My eyes came out strong and overpowering; filled with authority. I look around the endless green hill but I can't see anyone. I was about to panic again when suddenly, a relaxing wave hit me and then I immediately calmed down.

      I sit there thinking how good it feels to be alone in here. No pain, no happiness, no love, just dullness. Is this heaven? Have I died? What was the last thing I did before I came here? I can't remember even a single thing of what happened before I reached here.

      I didn't know how long as it been since I was sitting here. I know it's a bit long since I was embracing the dullness of this place. There's nothing in my mind right at the moment.

       My eyes then once again, look around and there my eyes widen. Not from afar, I could see a small wolf, coming out from the thick fog that I never noticed, was there. I immediately push myself off the ground.

      "Hello?!" I yelled out. The wolf immediately whimper, I got the chance to hear it even from this distance. I growl protectively when I heart it whimper...the sound of the wolf is somewhat, a beautiful music to my ears.

      When he didn't make any other sound nor try to approach me, I took it as cue to run towards him, closing the distance behind us. As I run nearer and nearer, I have only realized that the wolf is somehow smaller than the average wolf and he surely is a submissive one just by hearing him whimpering.

       "U-Uhm, where am I?" I asked, looking down at the small wolf. He look up at me before whimpering once again, going on the grass and roll, showing it's chest on me in submission. I smile. "Are you somewhat, lost?" I asked, now going to my knees.

      The small wolf went back on standing before walking towards me, brushing off his side on mine as another protective growl came out of my mouth. The intoxicating delicious scent hit my nostrils.

       I pats its head and we're like this for a few minutes until a small thin string appeared connecting the little wolf to the thick fog that was near us. The string then went glowing and went stronger, I could feel it's force of power and then my eyes immediately move towards the movement of something from the fog.

       I was speechless when the familiar scent hit my nostrils. It's Kyle's scent. The scent left me moaning. My eyes is now locked on the large wolf that walk it's way out of the fog.

       Earlier I thought pain doesn't exist in this world, but it turned out I was wrong when my heart starts to aches so badly when my attention moves on the strong flowing string. For some reason, I immediately stop patting the smaller wolf as I heard it whimpering again.

      "I-I'm sorry, H-He must be your mate. K promise I didn't do anything with him...I was just patting him, that's all," who's this wolf? Why does he smell like Kyle?!

       It looks at me and there I realized that he was an alpha. I didn't move as I immediately close my eyes after I see it glaring at me. I forced my eyes closed when I realized that it's going to attack me.

       I feel like a fool when no attack happened, only to feel a soft fur rubbing itself on my arm. I slowly open my eyes and I see the alpha wolf, rubbing itself on me and I can't be wrong when I heard it whimpering.

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