Chapter 22

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      Shawn is whimpering. I was fighting so hard not to let a growl out of my mouth even though I was in rage because of what those bastards did. I can't open my mouth, he'll fall out. I did nothing but run fast towards the pack house.

      My heart, it's beating fast and hard. How is he doing? I hope he'll be fine until I call help for him. Those did they fucking got in?! Our pack is one of the most secure ones out there and there is no way they could enter the pack territory that easily. All of us would have gotten notice from the roaming warriors about the intruder...but we did not get any.

       When I reached the pack house, I saw some of the people outside, confusion shows in every aspect of their being. I could see Alak and Stella, confused just like the other.

      "Alpha Kyle!" Alak was the first one to see us. He has called me with the title, and that is fine since I am indeed, an alpha. Everyone look at our direction.

       "What happened!?" One of the pack members asked as I carefully shifted and catches Shawn. I groan at the pain that shot me on my arm but I did not dare to let go of my scared mate.

       "R-Rogues, rogues!" I yelled out, worried about my Shawn's mental state as he continues to whimper and sobs. I look at Alak and he seems to realize something.

      "Khaled...where the fuck is Khaled!" He literally yelled out, voice filled with worries and also, anger. He glared at me, giving me that deadly look.

       "H-H-He came...he was left there, holding the alpha back! H-He saved our lives!" An emotion just came showing on his face. I saw the look of my father that I always see when he's worry, it was was hard to explain.

      "This damn idiot!!" He literally cursed our alpha as if he owns him. He let out a loud growl before he turn to the other. "Stella, stay there and everyone, look for the warriors! They must be somewhere. For the time being, I'll go look for Khaled!" And with that, he shifted before running into the woods.

       The pack members suddenly panic and began calling the warriors. My body was uncomfortable. Something is bothering me and I can't stand it anymore.

       "I'll take care of him, Alpha Kyle," they never called me 'alpha' before, not until now and it's weird...but it gives pride to my wolf, and myself.

      "Remember to handle my mate with care. If you ever hurt him, I'll have your neck snap in a matter of second. Understand, pack doctor?" I glared at him. He tilted his neck, showing submission before nodding. "I'll follow," and with that, I shifted back again before running back into the woods
      I was running behind Alak. For a beta, he's a fast runner. I can't outrun him, I mean, I did not train for a lot of things thus, I can't keep up with him. As we run deeper into the dark forest, the heavy scent of blood starts to hit us. The heavy yet familiar scent of blood made me growl loudly as I run fast.

      My eyes widen, pace starts to slow down as my heart beats fast in fear. I see him. Khaled was bathing with his own blood. Wounds are everywhere. He was kneeling weakly on the ground, having the alpha wolf howling in victory and just a second, he launch himself to finish Khaled off.

      I swear I can hear my wolf whimpering in pain as everything starts to go in slow motion. I tried my best to reach them but I was far and the wolf's claws, just inches away from Khaled. My heart skip a beat.

      Another vicious growl broke into my senses. A second later, the large wolf was being tackled down by another wolf, Alak. Alak's wolf is a bit small compared to the alpha's and dared to attack an alpha. For anyone to attack an alpha wolf, it will take them the acceptance of death for that is consequences of the action but given the fact that that alpha wolf is a rogue, there will be no such rule to apply. Thinking about that, I wonder why Shawn wasn't punish for attack an alpha, Khaled to be specific.

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