Chapter 18

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Shawn's POV

      My eyes widen. I was stunned for a moment before whimper in pain. The image, his voice, everything hit me hard and it took me off guard, making me let go of the glass of water that I was holding.

      The glass shattered beneath me, yet it didn't take my attention away as my hear starts to ache. I failed to swallow another whimper, in attempt to hid so that Kyle wouldn't heart it. Whimper follow by whimper until I didn't notice that I was now on the wet floor, sitting there on the broken pieces of glass as my sight starts to get blurry.

       What's this? The image of him kneeling at the garden, those words he said that he'll even submit to me, everything came and hit me hard. I was clenching on my chest, wanting nothing but for the pain to stop.

       I wanted to cry, I wanted to go out there and call him my master, I wanted to be taken care by him, I wanted him to order me around, as if I'm an Omega, his personal omega...but I have Kyle, I've rejected him already so he shouldn't be running around my head!

      "K—" I immediately slam my hands on my mouth, stopping myself from calling out Kyle. He shouldn't see me in this state; whimpering, crying and sobbing, because a real dominant man don't do those things and I'm trying to be the best dominant man for Kyle.

      I covered my mouth harder as I began to cry out for no reason, well, technically because of an aching heart. I cried in silent, wanting nothing but to stay hidden in silent.

       It took me a bit long before I took everything out of system. How could he still be running inside my head? I have rejected him so there shouldn't be anything about him that's left in my mind.

      I grasp everything and I close my eyes before breathing. I finally calmed down. When I open up my eyes, I slowly push myself off the wet, filled with scattered broken glass are of the floor where I was crying. I managed to stand up without getting hurt from any piece of the broken glass.

        "Kyle!" My voice echoed when I heard soft cries and sobbing. My eyes widen before I rush out towards the room where it's coming from, not even caring about the broken pieces of glass on the floor that I might step on; luckily, I managed to rush away unharmed.

       When I got inside the room, my eyes immediately scan the whole room and there he was, pushing himself on the very corner of the room. The sight made my heart to ache as my body rushed towards the sweaty and scared mate of mine.

       "Baby boy? Hey, hey I'm here. Stop crying, no one's going to hurt you," I then gently carry him to the bed. I put him on in before I climbed to it, embracing him tightly.

       Fear, thats the very clear thing I see on his eyes when I spot him. I then glance around the room, looking for a reason that made my mate have a panic attack. Hopefully, I've seen nothing horrible or something to be scared of inside his room.

       "Hey? You okay now love? I'm sorry I left you, I was just about to grab a glass of water for you to drink when you wake up," I explain myself. We broke the hug and I immediately caress his cheeks before planting a kiss on his forehead, that's when he looks at me, eyes still have tears running out of it. I went and wipe it dry with my thumbs.

       "I-I'm sorry I made you worry... I-I'm fine," fuck that, he's lying! There must be something that made him panic.

      "Kyle, I'm your mate and I know that you already know that you can't hide anything from me. I won't talk, I'll just listen then we'll talk about it after you tell me what's been bothering you that made you panic just now," I give him the look that leaves him without no choice.

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