Chapter 27

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      "Daddy...someone is at the door!" I heard Shawn's soft and sleepy voice and just that, my eyes went wide open. Oh fuck, it's ready morning?!

       It has been another month filled with overloaded works. My responsibility of the pack is considered to be my second priority, no one can beat the first: Shaw.

       "I-I'm sorry for waking you up, I-I'll just probably open i–" he was about to push himself off the bed when I gently push him back and look at him. I over slept. No one is to be blame since we had hours of sex last night resulting to a very small hours of sleep.

       "Don't babe. Rest for me. I'll go open it up and let you rest for another hour," I place a kiss on forehead before he went to the side, hugging the toy bear that I had given to him last week as a reward for being a good boy.

       "'mkay!" I yawn before I went off the bed and walk towards the door. I saw one of the pack members when I open up the door. I shot him a questioning look.

       "A-Alpha w-we tried to mind link you but you were asleep. Uhm, Y-You father and mother just arrived from a trip a-and he and Alak, t-they re fighting downstairs," he informed me and just that, my eyes widen.

       What the fuck are they fighting about?! Then the sound of yelling just hit me. I then immediately went out of the room and damn I was lucky I wore my boxer briefs before I slept.

       It has been quite a long time since father and mother left the pack the day some rogues got to enter the pack territory. They are not here when things happen and that is basically what I think, they re arguing about.

       When I got to the stairs and I look at them in the living room. Mother was crying. I immediately hurried down.

       "What's going on here?!" The sleepiness that was left, just disappeared when I look at the two men who are about to fight physically. Mother and father then look at me, their eyes widen. It was mother who approach me first.

       "Baby! Are you okay? D-Did something bad happen to you? How about the rogues?! Did they hurt you?! Oh my precious baby!" Mother embrace me into a hug.

       "No one is answering my question! What is it that's happening here?!" I screamed and mother immediately let go of me in shock. Even father was watching me, shocked.

       "You parents, they are blaming Khaled about the fucking attack!" It was Alak who answered and I look at them.

       Khaled, he shouldn't be blame! He was the one who saved us from those rogues so it's possible that he's the one behind this.

       "Father, Khaled saved me and my mate. He was even badly hurt because of us! And please don't blame him, he's not the one who let those rogues in!" I take Khaled's side. Everyone look at me with shock.

      "W-What are you saying?! Then how can you explain the letter that was written and was signed by him? Saying that the warriors are free from duty that night?! Have you gotten stupid? He wants you, so there is no wonder that he had made a deal with those rogues and to make him the hero! Who knows how much he paid those rogues!"

       ...that is possible, h-he raped me before and maybe he wanted to get my attention and trust s-so that be could do it again.

      I was silent as they continue to bark at each other. K was doubting everything.

Khaled's POV

      My head was hurting. The loud yelling was the one that woke me up. It was so loud to the point that I immediately covered up my ears.

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