Good intentions pave ways

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Next morning the camp was about to begin at 10 a.m. Sam had worked late night but still was there to look after the things. Chris was tired and yet not came.

Camp begins slowly and gradually participation of people also increased. Sam was happy to see that. She had sit besides them, noting the names, those who were affected mildly were given medicines. Old aged people who healthy but weak were given supplements. Those whose symptoms were severe were recommended to visit hospital.

All things were going nicely. Chris was late today, but as soon as he arrived he started helping them. Some severely affected people were transferred to hospital, cops and govt cooperated well to make it possible.

Today, there was a day off, due to some alerts reporters were not allowed here. It was a golden opportunity for sam to cover the story of refugee camps. Sam was in a rush, she was packing important things for back up, it was a bit far from this hotel. Sam thought to asked Chris as if she was late, she would have company.

She was looking for Chris, he was there only, Sam called him and gave the bag. Sam said let's go. Chris didn't understand where they were going. Sam said today's plan was to visit refugee camp. She had lot of work, and wanted someone to assist and gave company, so.

Chris was very happy because he was searching reason to accompanied her. Chris complemented her saying, people may say fake stories, or may lie, or fabricate things just to talk to you, as you were looking really pretty. Sam replied that it may also happens that they cooperate just because I am looking pretty. And she smiled.

They were in refugee camp, almost full and lots of noise

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They were in refugee camp, almost full and lots of noise. Sam was asking people about how they were treated, was the food good. Sam was asking a young lady about. She said that she was alone, her husband was deported in cat regiment. He was not allowed to leave this place.

She further added that her mother and mother in law couldn't came because they were stuck.she said she was not alone as her child was protecting her. She further added that she keep on telling him about his dad. She said might be you were surprised as I said he because my husband wanted a boy as brave as him so it's he only. She during her whole pregnancy, told brave stories of his dad. Different shades of him. So that he might not feel strange about his father.

Sam said if you agreed I could arranged and took you to some hospital in the nearby city. Era phillips was the name of that young lady. Era said you were kidding aren't you. Sam said seriously true. Showed her I'd and said I can do it.

Era hold her hands, please do it I knew any place rather than this would be better. Era said  you keep your words, right. Sam said of course.

Another women sam met, was Mrs ricks and her daughter ferra. She was catching interest as she was the only one who was sleeping between such a noise. Mrs ricks initially was not talking, she was silent, but later on broke down in tears. She said she was a single mother, she with very difficulty got a job, purchase a small flat for two of them, now it was broadcasted that the area where she was living was badly destroyed and all things had turn to ashes.

She cried and said, what will happened, who will provide job to an old women, and I will never ever able to purchase a house. What should I do.

Sam said I can tried something for your daughter, atleast your bread would get arranged. Ferra will you do it.

Sam sat hopelessly, such a enraged. Such a suffering. No one was ok. Chris saw her sitting like this, from back. He patted ger back and sat down. Chris said he also asked some people, the problems were many.

Sam said here it was pretty cold, so we have to make arrangements. Sam sent what ever she had recorded to Jessica, and asked her to make arrangements for them through NGO as th his was her area of work.

Jessica assured to try something. Chris suggested to go back. Sam said yes, of course let's pick Era and Ferra and her mom. Chris said it's dangerous to travel to city, as already there were alerts. Sam said they will stay with us today, then I will personally dropped them to a safer place. Sam looked at Chris for the first time like this, as if she was saying please hugged me for once I am tired.

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