Life is different from prediction

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That man agreed with her, they went to his house, Sam was very nervous to went inside and face it. Sam said that she will wait.

He was about to move inside, Sam suddenly stopped him and asked him to move into her place. She said as you know my city was till date safe, things were near to normal. She added that she was going to be here for a month or two. Till then they could live there untill she returned. All places were nearby, it could be a help for them.

That man was surprised, how could a stranger helped us to such extent. He was about to say, she said stopped sir, we all were lacking time so, go and get important things packed, I will arranged some transport. Later on when things would be better raise me up for some months for free. Hurry.

Sam arranged a cab with lots of difficulty, saying that she was a media person and her family was moving to city. Last words Sam said, keys were with my neighbors, I will make a call, take care. Sam saw his son and pregnant wife, they were moving towards the car. There exist a smile of relief on their face.

Sam was so over Whelmed, she felt satisfied, they left. Sam helped a stranger, that's was Sam's lookout for life.

She now headed towards the workplace of Jessica. She capture many photo, as she passed by. The effect and impact destruction was massive than what was predicted.

It was a harsh reality that was many a times remained untouched, unmentioned and unwatched too. With all these thoughts Sam was at Jessica's workplace calling her.

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