New goals

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As soon as Jessica saw it's sam calling. She rushed to welcome her. Both were happy to met each other, they hugged each other as they were meeting after a long time.

Jessica said sam welcome, look I was a bit busy you might knew, feel yourself. Let's met up at night in my house with drinks. Just explore my city, and enjoy .
Don't forget to buy food and drinks while heading towards home. Bye my team was waiting.

Sam was very much shocked to see what's the actual war zone could actually looked like. She had never covered such areas. Sam start working. She took her mobile out, click photos of present scenerio of this place. She was getting goosebumps while clicking some.

Sam also inteviewed some of the locals who had not left the city, talk to some of the soldiers and official deported over there.

Sam mind and heart were saying that she should try to covered the truth hidden here. She felt like there were numerous hidden stories to be told and shared with rest of the world.

When Sam was 5 years old kid, she was just born weak and underweighted, so she was the easiest prey in every class, she couldn't stand still in the front of muscular force. She cried, yelled, complains about her so called muscular and pretty friends. But nobody understood.

She wanted to bite them, beat them and drag them to some very dirty and stingy places. Her parents make her understood not to be loud, it happens. Once she saw a reporter in the school, he had a Mike and he was Inviewing the principal.

Every body was calm, compose, and standing decently around him listening him carefully, it's his personality, or power of the Mike or his profession. Sam was truely encouraged to be a journalist. Because she had understood the power of Mike and person authorised to have it. She knew that this was the only way the world and her parents would listen.

She was very happy that day, as if she had discovered some hidden treasure. That little sam was now a strong, independent and brave journalist. She loves to play around danger. Many a times her column gives the glimpse of that, but people appreciate facts lessly rather than spice and sugar coated journalism.

Sam spent nearly the whole day at the spot, to understand the situation and also try to trigger out the reality between the actual facts and facts that were being circulated in media.

Sam knew that no channel had left the stone unturned to show about war, political aspect, the damages, destruction, international interference.

But what about the people yes the common people who were in millions, but were less talked about. Who were killed, get affected and injured, who were the main contributors and a living witness of the situation were talked about minimal.

These people mere became the on lookers and just flow in the directions where the war drag them. Sam wanted to talked about those people, their lives. How they support and contribute in framing the prosperity of any nation.

Sam discovered the new goal, became the voice of millions who were unheard. The task was tough but satisfaction lies in facing the adverse and still stand right.

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