U-Turn point

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Robin was the present editor of the magazine, along with this he was also a good friend of Sam. He many a times suggested and adviced Sam that, reporter's vision, dialogue, the matter he puts in and of course the picture he pens down have great strength.

Because the whole mass was going to see and feel the story through his eyes depicted by his thoughts. It's upto him what he wanted to depicts. It had been said that if truth had been spoken with a different approach it doesn't become harsh and is acceptable to all.

Robin warned her due to her harsh approached the trp of the entertainment column was dropping though it was one of the most favourite column of the people, people love to know about their favourite celebrities and read it the most. It was the most liked column of the news paper. The popularity of the news paper was also suffering.

She didn't like the interesting part of the industry which was glamour and beauty. Except that she write all, fights, drugs, scams, bad habits, ditching matters, their bad aspect of each and every relationship. As a results most of the celebrity now and then keep complaining. There were no promotions or information of some big events.

Robin had given this column to other, at present Robin was afraid to hand over any column because same thing will happened.

He called Sam to his cabin, " Sam came in, Hello Sam, good morning. I think,You got the news that Russell was handing this column from today. I think you should take a break. I had personally not approved many off you had requested earlier. So take a break of two weeks ir a month, and start your work with new energies and zest. " He smiled.

Sam asked with a smile, you were firing me, Robin replied, of course no we were in a contract we couldn't breach it, otherwise you will sued me. Believe me I had planned to give you the politics zone, you are brave and deserved it. What say.

Sam asked what I will do in this break, I didn't have a boyfriend also. Robin said just chill do as you wanted, let's met later on.

Robin had thought he might find some way out to fire her. Sam left the cabin and with. Cold feet 👣she went home, this event was going to be a turning point in her life. Let's see.

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