(23) Meeting her

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She sighed looking at me sadly.

"And boss. What do I tell about him? I don't know even know if I should thank him or be pissed at him. On one hand he lied to me all these years. On the other he kept me safe and gave me the life my parents couldn't", I shake my head in disbelief.


"Also did you hear about my parents? They were abusive it seems. Drug and alcohol addicts. My brothers protected me from them Rowan said. They tried to earn by working for the American mafia so that we don't have to go to sleep empty stomach", I said as tears formed in my eyes.

Before I realised I choke out a sob.

Leah immediately hugged me. I tightly hold her as I cried my heart out.

"I don't remember anything Leah! I hate that I don't! They have done so much for me! I just don't know what to do!", I cried loudly.

She pulled back from the hug and looked at me. She put her hands on my cheeks and wiped my tears using her thumb.

"Lan you have a family. Two brothers isn't that good news?", She whispered with a smile.

"It is. I feel so glad that I have them. But I just hate the fact that they hid this from me", I sniffed.

"Maybe you should talk to them? They looked beyond worried when I was leaving to search for you", She informed me.

"They did?", I asked.

"Yeah. Kyle looked like he'll cry any second. Now I know from who you get the emotional quotient from", Leah smiled a bit.

I smiled shaking my head.

"I don't how to talk to them. I mean I want to, but it's difficult", I said.

"They're your brothers Lan. If anything I think it'll be easy to talk to them. They're going through many emotions just like you are and I'm pretty sure they just wanna know if you're okay", Leah said with a smile.

I look at her and think about what she said.

"They're probably thinking that you hate them", She smiled sadly.

"What? I don't hate them! I just- I needed some space. Why will I hate them? I mean I'm pissed that they decided to hide themselves from me, but nothing else", I shake my head.

"Tell this to them. I'm sure they'll be on the ninth cloud", She smiled softly.

I sighed.

"Lan I know this is hard and overwhelming, but trust me once you speak to them you'll feel better. They didn't mean any harm. They just care too damn much about you. Take your time to get used to this information. But just know you're not alone. Not anymore", Leah smiled whispering.

I sniffed and nodded.

She's right

"Do you want to head back or go home?", She asked.

"Base. I have to see them first I think", I shrugged.

She smiled wide and nodded.

We both stand up and walk towards our respective vehicles and drive back together.

Leah's right. I can talk to them. It'll make me feel better maybe.

God I have brothers

I smile a bit as the realisation sets in.

When we reach there I take a deep breath before walking out of the car. Leah was by my side immediately.

We together walk back inside and I almost immediately spotted them.

Family tiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora