𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟽

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Lilah's POV

I was blown off my feet by a massive explosion. Heat licked the oxygen all around me, smoke burned away the delicate table cloths. I sat up from where the explosion had pushed me against a wall. 

I hurriedly examined the people who had also been in the room with me. They all seemed to be fine, but it was only a matter of time before the flames would spread farther. I looked to where Harry had recently been sitting and he was struggling to sit up from the ground. 

I started to go towards him but was stopped by a presence lowering to the ground in front of him. 

The Green Goblin had come for him. Just like Miles thought would happen, but I never thought it would be this soon. 

I couldn't hear anything that was happening, my ears were still ringing from the blast. Harry just stared up at what was his deceased father, dressed as that stupid green elf. 

The Green Goblin flung his hands up, apparently in full conversation with his son, then held out his hand. Harry reached out to take it, but hesitated and turned back towards me. 

Our eyes met, and I shook my head at him, trying to stop whatever that was happening without revealing myself. His lips stretched into a thin line, then he turned back to the Green Goblin and took his hand. 

Green Goblin swung him up onto his hovercraft and hastily left the destroyed restaurant. I stood up and started to pick up people who were struggling to get out of the now burning restaurant. 

I slung three middle-aged people over my back and ran them out to the street. My body was incredibly sore, but nothing was broken. I ignored the burning pain and continued on. As I got out, my hearing started to return. And I heard someone calling my name.

I ignored the small yelling and went running back into the building, but someone grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. I was faced with the masks of my Spiderman. Peter spoke in a worried but stern tone.

"Are you okay?" I gave a small nod but went to turn around again and rush back into the building. But his hands still stopped me from moving. 

"No, you are not going back in there."

"I said I had this from the beginning. I will do what I like." I shoved him off of me and went back inside to grab more people. 

Some people were finally starting to stand up, so I helped to usher them out of the building. I helped one old lady up and guided her to the door. I went back to start looking for servers and the chefs at the back. But Peter's voice stopped me. 

"Lilah! Please leave! You aren't prepared and I think you've been hurt." 

"I am not the one you should be focusing on right now Spiderman. I make my own decisions. We will talk about this later." I felt my anger rising up as he tried to stop me from doing my job. 

I walked towards the back of the building and grabbed my slightly battered purse from the ground. I headed to a back room, ushered the staff out to the front, and then proceeded to put on my suit. 

After changing, I continued to clear out the rest of the building and double-checked for any last people. I went back out to the main part of the restaurant, did one last check, and then swung out of the building. 

Fire engines and ambulances were starting to race down the street towards the smoldering building. I called out to the group of people now surrounding the "Is everyone okay? Does everyone see the person they went in with?"

All of the people had now woken up, and I got a few nods in response. I heard someone land on the pavement behind me and turned to find Miles in his suit. 

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗  𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛// 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗  𝚡 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now