𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶

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Peter's POV

Her bedroom door shut harder than I expected it to. I turned to Miles who had a sad look on his face. 

"What was that about?"

He took off his fake glasses and ran a hand over the entirety of his face, "I found people who had died from taking the serum before Norman did, and I found the name, Dylan Francis. She asked me to find any file that I could on him. That's what I just handed to her."

"Do you know how he is connected to her?"

"I actually don't. My only guess is that it is someone close. Maybe a sibling or a boyfriend?"

"Well, I think we could rule out which one it isn't. What's her last name?"

"I have no idea."

We sat there in silence for a little bit. "Let's just talk about what you found and give her some privacy."

Miles had found the original formula for the serum that had turned Norman into a two-faced monster. He pulled out the paper and held it out to me, "We can reverse engineer this into a sort of antidote for Norman." 

I took the paper from him and examined it. "Yeah that sounds like a good plan, it could take a while though."

"Well, we don't have much else to do until we find him." 

I looked at my watch, "You should probably get home to your mom, you've been gone all day and she's probably worried. Send me pictures of the rest of the things you found."

"What are you going to do here?" We stayed silent and I heard sniffling from her bedroom. 

"I'm just going to talk to her, it seems like she needs it." Miles nodded and then walked towards the balcony. Before he swung off, he turned his head towards me. 

"Don't make light of it to try and cheer her up. I know how you handle things sometimes, but she doesn't work like that. Just be careful of what you say."

I nodded and muttered a small thanks as he jumped off the balcony. It was silent in the main room of her apartment, but I could definitely hear her crying in her room.

I slowly made my way down the hallway. Her cries were easier to hear now. They sounded heartwrenching. I leaned my head against the door, not knowing if what I was about to do would make her feel worse. 

I took a breath and slowly opened the door. She was sitting on her bed, back to me, and papers scattered all over her pillows. She had changed into a t-shirt and some sweatpants. She spoke, voice cracking, "Hey Peter, what do you need?"

I walked over to the bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" She hurriedly wiped her eyes as my voice got closer. I sat down on the bed, right behind her. 

She didn't say anything, and I had a sneaking suspicion that her tears had started again. Without turning towards me, she handed back a paper. 

It said, "Dylan Francis died due to an intake of enhancement drug,  Goublin Green. He was one of the drug's lead designers and volunteered for testing of the drug on himself." More stats covered the rest of the page, but I understood it enough. 

I spoke quietly, not wanting to disturb what felt like reverence in the room, "I'm sorry for your loss. Was he a past boyfriend?" 

I pushed down the jealousy I felt trying to take over. I was trying to comfort her and these feelings would not help me do it. 

I heard her give a small laugh and she turned towards me. "No, he was my brother. I went searching for these answers about a year ago because I always suspected something was amiss. Technically speaking, he's the reason I have powers. I went to Oscorp to find answers and accidentally turned into what I am today." 

Her face had light mascara stains on it. They tracked down her cheeks like small rivulets of rain. Tears were still forming at the corners of her eyes, but she slowly brushed them away, pushing them into new rivers on her cheeks. 

I lifted a thumb up and brushed one away. "You don't need to hide your emotions. I'm not going to think of you as weak if you show them." Her lip slightly quivered and she sniffed. 

Then, she wrapped me in a hug, arms around my neck. I was surprised that she had done it, so I hesitated, but I put my arms across her back. I felt her back start to slightly shake as she broke down. 

My heart hurt, seeing her like this. I wanted to say it would be okay, but that's not true. People had said that to me when Gwen died and it only made me angry. 

I held her closer, pulling her into my lap, "Just let it out. You've held it in for too long and it's hurting you."

"Peter, I miss him so much. The last time I spoke to him, it had been a fight about him never being there for me. I feel so guilty, I never got to tell him I loved him." Her voice broke as she lay her head on the crook of my neck. 

I rubbed her back and held her tighter. I remember that when I had felt like this, I had just wanted to be held, by anyone. So I would do that for her. 

Tears sprinkled my collarbone. I rested my head on top of hers, "That doesn't mean he thought you didn't love him. You were siblings. There is always love in that kind of relationship, even when there are fights."

She grasped the collar of my shirt. I could hear her small sobs in my ear. I placed a knuckle under her chin and lifted her face up towards me. "You are not responsible for his death. He knew what he was getting himself into. I know what you're feeling and you cannot do that to yourself. It will destroy you."

Her eyes were beautiful as she looked up at me. The small pool of tears brought out the blue in her eyes. "Thank you."

She laid her head back onto my shoulder. She still had tears rolling down her cheeks, but they were not as heavy.

I started humming, to try and somewhat ease her mind. It was a little tune that Aunt May had taught me, and it always put me to sleep. 

As her breathing started to get slower, I reached to wipe the remaining tears from her face. I lifted her up and then laid her down the right way on her bed. I pulled the covers over her and then squeezed her hand. 

I started to walk away but her hand gripped mine tightly. "Please. Stay. I don't want to be alone tonight." I nodded and walked to the other side of the bed. 

I got under the covers and she snuggled close to me, her hand resting on my chest. In a matter of seconds, I could tell she was asleep, but I still held her close. 

I was going to help her get through anything she needed. I would always be here for her, no matter what.  


A/N: Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter, but I thought we needed to see how Lilah reacted to the info on her brother's death because she doesn't usually show much emotion.

Anyways, I hope you guys are liking the story so far! I saw that I just reached 100 reads on this story and it made me so happy! Thank you all so much! <3

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗  𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛// 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗  𝚡 𝘖𝘊Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora