𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹

419 13 3

Lilah's POV

Coffee in hand, I swung to the back of the school building and then hurried into my mechanic lecture. I was only a few minutes late, and it was the first class of the day, so most of the students were late as well. 

 I wasn't planning on taking this class, but after I turned all spidery, I knew I would need it for my suits. It was actually turning out to be incredibly useful. And I was doing pretty well, especially because I got to practice some of what I learned on my suit. My other tech class created the perfect mesh of information for my suit. Now I could narrow both sets of eyes with only a regular squint of my eyes. 

I sat down and downed the rest of my lukewarm coffee and the professor, Doctor Jennings, started the lecture. As I was pulling out my laptop, the door in the back of the class swung open and I turned to look at the sound. There was Peter Parker, late as ever. 

A felt a small buzzing in the back of my head. I slowly turned away so I wouldn't look suspicious. There was that stupid sense again. It had happened with Miles the first time he had seen me. I was just confused how Peter hadn't caught onto it yet. It made me very wary of what could happen whenever I was in class with him.

He walked down the steps of the hall and just had to take the seat right in front of me. Ugh no! He always sits at the very back. I put my head in my hands on the small desk connected to my chair. Not only did I have a headache from the continued buzzing, but I'd have to survive this lecture. It's like my spidey-sense was a little Miles in my head, telling me to show myself to the Spiderman. 

I looked back up towards the lecturer and leaned around Peter's head to look at the notes on the board. It looked like some complicated math, so I started copying it down into my computer. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Peter turn around and look at me. The buzzing started to get a little stronger. I just continued to type numbers into my computer. 

"Hey." I looked up and saw brown eyes staring at me. 

"Hey?" I flashed a normal (hopefully) looking smile. I was getting extremely nervous. I had never talked face to face with him before. Does he feel the buzzing too?

"Could I borrow a pencil? I seem to have forgotten them today."

A slowly let out a pent-up breath. "Yeah for sure." I reached into my bag and then handed one to him. He nodded his thanks and turned back to the lecture. He reached a hand up to the back of his head and rubbed the nape of his neck. In the same place my buzzing was coming from.  Then the rest of the lesson went on without a hitch. 

Doctor Jennings ended the lesson 15 minutes early, and Peter couldn't leave fast enough. But he couldn't get out the door before the professor called him back. He looked a little disappointed but walked to the front of the room. I disregarded it and packed up my stuff. I could grab some lunch before I started patrolling. 

"Lilah? Can you come here for a second?" Doctor Jenning's voice sounded from the front of the room. I turned and saw Peter shaking his head. 

"Yeah sure. What's up?" 

"Since you are currently top of the class I wanted to ask you a little favor. Could you help Peter with the stuff we are working on?"

 This couldn't be a worse situation. 

"He's struggling a bit, but I know you could help him get out of this little rut."

I could feel myself start to panic a little, but I tried to keep it hidden. "I would love to help Doctor Jennings, but I kind of have a really busy schedule, especially with my job.."

"Please Lilah, he would really benefit from the help. I'll even give a little bit of extra credit."

Holy shit. I have been dug so deep into a hole that I don't even have a chance of crawling out. "Okay, yeah. I'll try and work some time into my schedule." I turned and flashed a small smile to Peter, getting one from him as well. 

"Thanks, Lilah. Alright, you both have a great day." And with that, she excused us, not knowing how bad of a situation she had put me in. 

We both walked out of the lecture hall in silence. Once we broke out into the fresh air, he started talking. "Sorry that she sprung that on you. I didn't think she would actually end up doing something about it." He laughed and smiled at me. 

"It's totally good, I'd love to help."

"I got to head, but do you want my number so we could plan a little study session?"

"Oh yeah, I was meaning to ask for it. I'll text you when I figure out a good time." We exchanged numbers and he glanced down at me. 

"Sounds good. See ya around Lilah." With that, he walked away, rubbing the back of his head. I walked the exact opposite way and called Miles.

"Hey are you out of school yet?"

"I'm in the middle of my last period right now. Could I call you back?"

"I'm sorry, I just really need to talk to you. When you get out, meet me on top of Grand Central Station." 

I hung up the phone without a response. He would come because he knew I would never call unless it was important. 

I quickly went behind a small building into an alley and changed into my suit. It was composed of mostly dark colors, with a light lilac as the central color point. Then I attached a black hood to my mask in order to hide some of my hair. The thing I was most proud of was the double set of eyes that I was able to sync up to my actual eyes. So they actually would squint and widen when my eyes would move. They also helped me to see in the dark. 

I hurried out of the alley and swung towards Grand Central Station. I don't know if this day could get any worse, and I prayed that it wouldn't. 

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗  𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛// 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗  𝚡 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now