𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽

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Lilah's POV

I patrolled the city a bit more before night fell. But I kept getting the feeling that I was being watched. I felt myself continually looking over my shoulder all day. Occasionally I would feel my spidey sense, but Miles was probably close by patrolling too. 

I arrived at the location the chief sent me at around 9:00 pm. It was another sketchy building, but it had a bit more security. I scouted out the perimeter, sticking two guards to a wall, but other than that, most were inside. 

I made my way down towards the electrical box on the old brick face. I didn't know what wires would completely cut the power, so I just smashed the entire box. I dusted my hands off, stretched out my arms, and then leaped over the exterior wall, landing in the back garden of the ancient brick building. 

It was unfortunate that a beautiful building like this would go to waste. I felt a tingle at the base of my neck and turned around. Something was definitely watching me. To my right, I heard the back door of the drug house opening. 

Immediately, I turned on my night vision and saw two men struggling to find the electrical box. I laughed at their blind stumbling. "Is someone afraid of the dark?" They immediately froze, so I took my chance.

I rushed towards the man closest to me. Throwing a punch to his throat, I knocked him to the ground and stuck him there with a blast of webs. The second man was frozen in place on my right. He looked quite eery with the green glow of my night vision. I launched myself towards him and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him towards the wall. 

I held him there with a blast of webs. He struggle for a little but not before I flicked him in the nose. "Hey there. Calm down. The police will come take care of you in just a little bit. But tell me, how many men are in there."

He was a rather fat man, which helped suction him to the wall. He grunted. "Who are you? A wannabe Spiderman?" 

I gave a small fake laugh. "Not a wannabe, I couldn't possibly. Especially since he doesn't know I exist. I'm Midnight Spider. Nice to meet you. Now I'm losing my patience, how many men are in there. And let me warn you, I'm not as forgiving as your dear Spiderman."

I could see the glow of my eyes lighting up his face. I probably looked mildly frightening in the darkness. "About 20 men." He gave it up much easier than I thought he would. 

I walked over to the back door of the building and yelled inside, alerting all 20 of my presence. "Hey, guys! I know, so rude of me to intrude, but I just wanted to remind you that you're not really allowed to sell cocaine."

The building seemed big on the outside, but inside it was very cramped. To my right was a kitchen and just ahead, out of a cramped hallway, was a stairway that led further into the building. 

To men came down at me from the stairs with guns in their hands. One accidentally bumped into the wall. "Oh, this is gonna be fun." I laughed to myself. 

I grabbed the gun out of the man's hands closest to me, and hit him over the head with it, knocking him out cold. I reached my hand around and shot a string of webs at the man who bumped into the wall. I yanked the string down once it connected with the man's face, and connected his face to my kneecap, making a crack noise. 

"Oof dude, you might have to get that one fixed. If I had some spare change I'd donate it to you because that surgery is gonna cost a lot." I laughed and ran up the stairs. This is where most of the men were housed. Surprisingly, they didn't seem quite worried to see me. That was a bad idea for them to underestimate me. 

"Hello boys! Nice to see you, but this inspection isn't going very well so far. I actually found some drugs in the kitchen. Crazy I know! How did they get there?!" Five men came towards me at the same time. 

"Five at once? Seems a little unfair for you, but if you insist." I reached to my belt and dropped a small web bomb, then I jumped and landed on the ceiling. The men just stared at it and then it exploded webs everywhere. I trapped at least another three men with how far it spread. 

"Great! 10 more to go. Do you guys mind giving me some sort of challenge?" I ran down the hall and knocked down one of the three doors in the hallway. Inside was a very muscular and murderous-looking man. 

"Oops sorry, wrong room." I closed the door but he immediately opened it and then proceeded to punch me in the stomach. I flew back and hit the banister. Hoarsley, I said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to barge in like that."

I shot a web at his abdomen, pulled myself through his legs, and jumped onto his back. I then proceeded to web his entire face up. He flailed around like a bull in a pen, trying to knock me off. He tripped over his own feet and fell through the banister and back down onto the stairs, taking me with him. As we hit the stairs, I shot a web to the ceiling and caught myself before I hit the ground. I hung from one hand and webbed the dude onto the now-broken stairs.

"We just can't have nice things can we?" I swung down from the ceiling and entered the 2nd door. 

"Four of you? I thought that last dude had to count for at least two." I then proceeded to take all men down with my last web bomb. "Alright, if I did my math right, the last room should have five." I walked to the last door. "Please say I passed third-grade math." I opened the last door and there they were four men surrounding what looked like the leader of the operation. 

"Yes, I did it!" They rushed towards me while I was celebrating my math victory. One swung a bat (that I had not seen before) and I immediately dodged it. "What? You thought I wasn't paying attention?" I swung my leg out, tripping the man, and then stuck his head to the floor with a web. 

In the back of my head, my spidey-sense rang out, alerting me of the fist coming towards the right backside of my head. I dodged it and pulled the fist, and then the whole man towards the floor. He hit the floor extremely hard. 

Two men stood on either side of the 'assumed boss', not knowing what to do. "I see we are stuck at a stalemate. What shall we do gentlemen?" Neither of them moved. "Alrighty then, I'll go first." I shot both hands towards their heads, connected two webs, and slammed their heads together. 

They fell to the ground, unconscious. The 'assumed boss' looked at me and then ran out of the door. "Aw c'mon! You don't want to play anymore?" I teased as I followed him out the door. He basically tripped down the stairs because it was pitch-black. I could've caught him by now, but I slightly enjoyed this. 

He ran out of the front door of the building and I slowly followed him. He tried to run into the street but I shot a web and connected it to the back of his head, jerking him back onto the property. "Hey, come back here, we are not done yet." The man looked scared for his life. 

"What do you want? Money? I can give it to you." I stared down at him. Money was the only thing protecting him. 

"OoOoOo sounds tempting. I am a poor student, but I've got money covered. Thanks though." I punched him in the gut, allowed him to fall to the ground, and then I stuck him to the ground with more webs. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted the chief that the job was done. "Only thirty minutes guys? Really? You needed to try a bit harder than that."

I swung myself up onto a nearby lamp post and waited until the police would show up. I just had to make sure none of the thugs tried to escape. 


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry, this is a little bit longer than what I would usually write, but I needed to show you how she would fight and I needed Peter to see her fight. This will also help set up the next chapter. :)

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗  𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛// 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗  𝚡 𝘖𝘊Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora