𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

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Lilah's POV

"No Miles, I can handle this on my own! I've been watching these guys for a couple of months and I know for a fact none of the big bosses check up on them....much."

"L, last time you said that and kingpin almost saw you. How confident are you in yourself when you say 'I know for a fact'?"


"Okay, that's a little bett..."

"Actually, hold that thought." A black car pulled up outside of the slightly run-down building where the thugs were holding their secret operation. Surprisingly, it wasn't Kingpin who stepped out of the car, just one of his closer henchmen. "I'm changing that to around 65%"

"What changed that number?" I took a deep breath and held the phone a little further away from my masked head.

"One of his henchmen just showed up?" I said quietly. It was silent on the other end of the phone. Then I heard the sound of him shooting a web. 

"I'm on my way right now. You need help."

"Miles I swear if you come down here I will never let you help me with anything ever again. I'll even stop working with the police like you told me to. Besides, you don't even know where it is." I smiled smugly, knowing he could hear it in my voice. 

"I could just use your IP address." 

"But you wouldn't because you know I'm not lying." He was silent for a little bit, but I could no longer hear him dispensing webs. 

"Fine. Just don't jeopardize the good situation we've gotten you into."

"I promise, I won't."

"Ugh. Okay, I'm letting you go now.....Ya know this would be so much easier if you just told Pet-," I immediately hung up the phone, knowing what he was gonna say. I never thought I would get lectured almost weekly by a 17-year-old. 

I tucked the phone into my pocket and then pulled my mask down and hood up over my head. I then proceeded to warm up by stretching, obviously. I didn't want to pull anything while kicking ass. That would be incredibly embarrassing. Dealing with mobs was never my favorite, but it had to be done. And it was small enough that it wouldn't get noticed by the one and only Peter Parker. 

I had been aware of Peter's abilities ever since I was bit, thanks to my little Spider-tingle, or whatever Miles calls it. He was even a little suspicious before that. We had one mechanics class together at NYU, but he would usually never show, be extremely late, or leave right in the middle of class. But Peter's sense had thankfully never been sent off by me. 

I thought back to when I hadn't even met Miles yet. I was just swinging around alleys, trying to find some crime to stop. I had decided to try a bigger challenge and was found by Miles, who promptly wanted me to join the 'spider team'. I politely declined, as working together had never been my thing. And I didn't want to get involved with the only other part of the 'spider team'.

Thankfully, he never told Peter about me, but on one condition. I'd have to at least work with the police department for a little extra layer of security. Like that would ever help.

After I finished warming up, I swung to the building opposite of me, and the one just behind the goons' base. I was pretty sure they were importing drugs or at least illegal weapons. I just haven't had all the time to check it out. 

I crawled down the back wall and spotted an entrance point at the back of the building. It was a small vent, but with my gymnastics training, I was positive I would be able to fit. I slingshotted into the vent, and landed quietly into the dim light of the dusty vents.

I started crawling and followed the tiny voices echoing throughout the vents. I stopped at a slated vent and looked down. There was kingpin's main henchman. I was confused why he would send him over coming to the building himself. I sat and thought for a moment before I remembered that he was currently over in Europe. 

"I know it was a surprise, henry. That was the entire point I'm here. I needed to check up on the shipment." The henchmen spoke down to the others in the room. I sat and examined him for a bit. His skin had a very ashen tone to it and he had a head full of white hair. He was also extremely tall. 

Then a short man spoke, "I understand that, but most of the weapons haven't even arrived yet. That's why I'm a little put off about this because you can't see the full extent of our work." He continued to drone on and on about how he was mad at the visit. 

"Shut up or you're gonna get shot dude," I muttered under my breath. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to the chief of police. 

"found a mob hideout just off of doyers street. Next to a dock. Importing and probably selling illegal weapons..." A gun shot interrupted my texting and I looked down to see the short man who was talking early grasping his stomach. 

I rolled my eyes and finished the text, "They'll be ready for you when you get here. -Code L" I tucked the phone back into my pocket and then cracked my knuckles. "Let's get ready to rumble."

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗  𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛// 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗  𝚡 𝘖𝘊Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ