Chapter 37- Again, once again.

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🎵Phir na mille kabhi🎵

🎵Phir na mille kabhi🎵

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Swinging my head towards the couch where my brother sat on, clad in a crisp black suit- tie loosely hung on his neck. His dark hair messy. It looked as if he just came back from the airport. "Yes bhai."

"Where's my credit card?" He raked a hand through his hair, putting his leg on top of the other, he waited for me to react. His blank eyes with emotionless voice scarred me, upset me. Even though it was usual, normal. 

I sallowed- trying to find my voice. His demeanour was scary, he wasn't like this with me. "It's in my purse. In my room."

"Go get it." With two of his fingers, he gestured towards the door of my room which was visible. I jiggled my head to side and fro. Turning the balls of my feet, I went to my inside the white doors of my room. Standing on my toes, I fetched the key of my wooden cupboard from the top of it. I swayed it to dust of any dirt, the lilac heart keychain dangled. Inserting it- inside the keyhole, I got hold of the small brown knob of the drawer, pulling it. I took out my purse and got the black Mastercard out.

"Bhai." Unknowingly my voice came out small. His credit card rested between the fist of my palm. His head tilted to my side. Unlike the usual glisten of warmth and love in his onyx irises, while he saw me, this time they were void of it, instead they were blank- scarring me.

Did I do something wrong?

He kept down his iPhone beside him. The same hand he kept in front of me- opening it. He silently asked my to put the card, and I silently obeyed his command.

Quit overthinking.

He pulled out his black leather wallet from the inner pocket of his suit jacket. Sliding the card inside it, he stood up, buttoning the bottom button of his jacket, he pocketed his wallet. His eyes unwavering from me, his stature towering my petite frame. "You know why I took this back?"

"No." You need it for something, perhaps. Or I don't know.

My tongue darted out to lick my dry lips. It wasn't anything new I was seeing here. My brother's demeanour was just like this- cold, rude, blunt, arrogant, and stern. It was with outsiders and the people he associated with. With me, he wasn't like it. Soft, warm, love, safe, home were the feelings he enveloped me with.

I felt safe with him even now. Yet his altered personality scared me. My neck craned upwards in a hope, maybe this time his eyes would carry the affection, snug they did previously.

They did not.

They were blank. Dark.

"I took this back." He sighed, jamming his hands in pockets, he raised his chin up. He seemed as if trying to not lose his calm composure. "You're spending too much, aren't you?"

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