The Right Thing, for the Right Reason

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     God wants us to give, and do good in the world and in our lives, for the reasons of doing good, not for favors or appearances. God shows us His goodness everyday and we can praise Him for it, but our good acts in reflection of God are meant to be humble, not for glory. Look at the things you do for God. When you pray, do you pray to be heard by people around you to hear of your big words and passion for God, or for communication with God? Or is it the opposite, do we limit ourselves and our showing of love for God because we are afraid of what others think? We need to be worried about being seen by our God, our El Roi* and not man, who sins as you do and fails as you do.
     Think of the things we give up for God, such as fasting. It is a sacrifice meant to be private, not a battle and suffering between you and the world, but a sacrifice and patience between you and the Father. Do not suffer, just to suffer and tell others you that you suffered. Utilize fasting for its true purpose, whether you want to be closer to God, or are preparing for a hard journey ahead. Sacrifice something in your life and focus on God! Who are you truly trying to please? Live with the mindset of God's goodness and let it reflect in your actions so that others may recognize God in you. Recognize His greatness, blessings, and glory humbly.

Scripture: Matthew 6:1-18

*El Roi - Another name for our Christian God which translates to, "The God Who Sees"

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