"I am Not Apologizing for my Praise!"

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     God can do anything. When you are a person of faith eventually you will recognize His miraculous power. The Lord, our Father in Heaven, can do anything, from delivering us from sin, to moving the sun backwards! Our God can do all this, so there is no reason we should ever apologize for our praise.
     Whenever your situation seems tragic or helpless, we must remember that Jesus is still here, so we can take our burdens to Him. Once Jesus has your burdens, we need to let go! Our Savior can handle it, and our God can handle it, just put your faith in them! God is still here, still working with us. The same God in the Bible is the same God we have now. He has all power, and He loves us! He can save us from Hell still, as He washes our sins away, He still works with us and loves us despite our pasts! Our Father is truly  worthy to be praised! He takes our sin, and throws it behind Him permanently! So no, we must not apologize for our praise for the All-Deserving Lord, our God!

Scripture: Isaiah 38:17-20

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