It was a terrible sight to say the least. My impending doom. Dangling on the edge of despair. Crying and throwing up on the floor at 4 am, except it was like 9 am. You get the deal.

I dragged myself out into the bathroom, feeling more like a zombie than a human, and wasn't even shocked to see that my hair looked like a bird's nest. I detangled it, brushed my teeth, did my light makeup and picked an outfit. Making sure to check my phone for any new notifications at every opportunity. Nothing had come in. Seemed like Mister unknown number, but probably just Jungkook, hadn't woken up yet. I mean, I don't blame them. If I had the chance to sleep in I probably would have too, but the breakfast buffet just called to my soul.

Map of The Soul: Food.

Not to mention how ecstatic I was about the new album and when it was to be released. MAP OF THE SOUL: PERSONA, sounded pretty cool, eh?


I'm not going to say the pancakes were fantastic, but the pancakes were kind of fantastic.

I returned to the buffet to grab another plate of these magic, marvelous pancakes. It wasn't that easy however because I currently only had one arm operating normally. I'm pretty sure I created a line of people behind me, but they would have to wait. I was going to get my pancake.
I sat the plate down and reached for the delicious goodness with my wobbly, weak left arm. Sometimes I really wish I was ambidextrous and not just right-handed, but I guess this was an opportunity to turn that around.

Right when I was about to scoop up some more pancakes, a young staff guy with a black cap, brought another dish to the buffet. My super bloodhound nose picked up the delicious smell in an instance. "Chocolate chip pancakes." I sighed in bliss and leaned towards the dish. I discarded the normal pancakes and sat my eyes on the chocolate pancakes, sliding my plate forwards. Again, struggling to pick up the pancakes, the chocolate chip-cap-staff-guy offered to help. "You need some help with that?" He beamed.
"If you wouldn't mind." I said gratefully.
"You here for long?" He asked as he began piling my pancakes into a little tower.
I thought about it for a second, for whatever reason totally forgetting all my plans. "Three more days." I declared finally.
"Too bad it's not for longer." He said.
I- was he flirting with me? help.
"Yeah heheh..." I laughed awkwardly, picked up my plate and began shuffling my way back towards the table. "Thanks for the... pan...cakes." yup. yes.

My toxic trait is thinking I'm hot because of interactions like that.

I joined in on my family's conversation.
"Y/n," My dad called, and I stopped to look up at him, my chopstick hanging half out of my mouth. "Mhmm?"
"I didn't get to ask you yesterday, but did you get an autograph?"
"Depends, are you gonna sell it or keep it forevarr?" I mocked him dramatically, my dad didn't find it very funny. I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat. "No, no I did not get an autograph." I lowered my voice a bit, "But I did meet Jungkook again." I decided on including that part because if Jungkook asked me to "hang out or something", it would be easier to explain. Yeah okay, "hanging out" sounds weird.
"Oh really?! and you didn't ask for one?" My dad said, suddenly very awake after his third cup of coffee, though I did not think that was what had awakened him. He pushed his glasses up his nose a bit, awaiting my answer.

"Well I did ask him for one, but he said that we would save it for the next time we saw each other." I said hushed. Now I had also gained my mom's attention, she stared at me wide eyed.
"YAh my daughter is dating an Idol!"
"Omg dad, can you please keep it down," I pleaded and used my single arm to gesture him to keep it the fuck down. People were staring and I just awkwardly laughed at them and flashed a smile.
"I say you go for it, it's good for the economy. He's a multi-millionaire." My mom broke in.
"Mom I'm not even- dad is spreading rumors!" I croaked and was ready to just bang my head against the table.
"Forget about the autograph, this is much better." My dad said and sipped his fourth cup of coffee, as if we were spilling tea together like old ladies.

One-Way Ticket | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now