"I am so sorry!" I said and pushed myself up on wobbling feet. "Jack please put those down- oh" I stopped momentarily when I felt Jungkook come to stabilize me and help me up. His hands gently touching the upper part of my arms from behind. He smiled gently down at me when I looked up at him. I blushed feverishly.

Then Seokjin spoke. "It's fine really. I don't think Taehyung minds." He said and pointed with his thumb over his shoulder to where two men stood snickering amongst themselves, clearly having watched the whole situation unfold. Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung, I realized and died a little inside. I thinned my lips and pulled a whelp face all the while staring at them in awe.

I braced myself for the tenth time that day and redirected my attention away from the gorgeous looking men to my brother. He couldn't care less about them being the biggest boy band in the world and simply requested that he could change Jin's sunglasses. Jin laughed heartily and said yes.

"Jack, maybe we should go?" I questioned and then turned to face Jungkook. "I don't want to disturb your filming anymore, and I really am sorry. For bumping into you too..." I said and bowed my head deep. Internally scolding myself for not doing it earlier, to literally every single person on the set.
"Ahh It's fine really. We were about to wrap up anyway. But more importantly, is your arm, okay?" He said looking down at my arm. I glanced down at it and tried to play it off with a scoff. "Pfft, it's fine. I have tried worse." Lie.
"Are you sure? You fell quite hard and you were running pretty fast too." He grimaced.
"I..." I started but ran out of excuses.
Jungkook smiled dashingly. "Come on, you don't need to stay long, but just to catch your breath." He said and began helping me towards one of the chairs that stood under a parasol. "Or else people are going to start spreading rumors that I'm a cruel monster who doesn't know how to treat a girl."
I'm laughed a little politely at his joke. Internally screaming and crying.

We made our way over to the chairs and I sat down. The staff started getting back into routine now that I longer was very interesting. Jungkook left to, and I quote, "get me some water because I looked at bit pale". And I did feel pale, my elbow had grown its own heartbeat, and it thudded violently on beat with the headache that was spreading over forehead.
And as I sat there alone, I tried to regain my senses. I was right next to people so talented, that they got to speak at the United Nations. I focused on my breathing, trying to at least keep something stable. It didn't work.

"Are you from the US?" A voice suddenly said from besides me. I had been too preoccupied trying to calm down that I had not even realized that a person had sneaked up beside me.

"What?" I breathed and looked flabbergasted at none other than Suga. He stared back at me. "Ah, my apologies. Min Yoongi, or Suga, your choice." The fluffy, black-haired man said and offered me his hand to shake. I shook it without even realizing, my body was working on its own because my mind sure as hell was somewhere else. I couldn't quite tell if introducing himself was 1 a polite way of greeting me, 2 a way of bullshitting me just for the fun of it, or 3 he simply just anticipated that I didn't know who he was. I was leaning more towards option 2. "Yeah, I realized." I said and he flashed a smile. It was so infectious I couldn't help but return it immediately.

"Your accent, and the fact that you spoke English for a little moment there, makes me think you're from America. Am I right?" He asked and slightly pursed his lips. I groaned. "Is my accent that terrible?"

"No no, It's just not... typical." Yoongi said and chuckled. "So why did you speak English?"

"I don't know, I just panicked." I groaned and shook my head. "It's not exactly every day you run into Jeon Jungkook, and now I'm sitting here talking to you. I'm not hallucinating am I-"
"I can confirm that you're not, I seem pretty real, don't I?" A new voice asked, and I nearly passed out when I laid my eyes on J-Hope.
"I think you broke her-"
"Pffft she's fine." J-Hope said and waved dismissively with his hand, before he grabbed a chair and sat backwards on the seat, leaning his strong arms on the back. He smiled brightly at me with his heart shaped mouth, the living embodiment of sunshine.
"Hi, I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-" J-Hope enthusiastically began but was cut short when a person suddenly cut in.

The sheer chaos was making me even more dizzy.

"Hoseok hyung I think she knows who you are." Jungkook, who had now returned with a bottle of water and secured himself in a chair, groaned. Hoseok crossed his arms, lifted his chin, and sent the younger member the stink eye. "You don't know that..." He grumbled.
"I do," I said, feeling incredibly small, and grabbed their attention back. "I do know who you are, all of you."
Hoseok shrugged, "Well that does make sense." he said and, smiling cheekily, continued. "But what doesn't, is that I don't even know your name yet."
I could feel a blush rising to cheeks from being the center of attention from three gorgeous men. I nervously looked down at my sneakers. "I'm Y/n. Min Y/n."
"Well, Y/n. I brought you some water." Jungkook said and grabbed onto one of the legs on my chair, and effortlessly pulled me closer to him. Creating a distance between Jungkook and I, and Yoongi and Hoseok. He probably just did it to easier hand me the water, but as I saw how his arm flexed and his nimble fingers caught onto the metal, my heart skipped a beat. Or a thousand.
"Thanks," I managed to mumble and gratefully accepted the water, now closer to him than ever. I sipped it and noticed how Jungkook's eyes observed me intently while doing so. I felt like his stare could strip me to the core, see every part of me, and I couldn't help but shift a bit uncomfortably in my seat.

"Better now?" Jungkook asked finally with his bottom lip subtly caught between his teeth. I noticed that his upper lip was thinner than his plush bottom one and that a little cute mole sat on his chin. I hummed a yes.
"You look better too, I- I mean you're not so pale anymore, you looked fine before too..." He said and a blush rose on his cheeks as he fumbled for his words. I simply smiled at him, ignoring the snickers from Hoseok and Yoongi.
"A-Anyway, I was wondering if I could make it up to you in some way." Jungkook continued. I shook my head, "You really don't need to do anything. I was the one who ran in here, and the fact that I'm still here is just too much already."

"He's not going to let it go." Yoongi informed flatly, and when I looked back, I saw how Hoseok nodded along. "When he first sets his mind on something it's not changing."
I sighed and let it happen. If they said so, I guessed I couldn't really do anything. Besides it's not that I didn't want whatever Jungkook would do "to make it up to me" because duh, I was just being polite. A makeup artist came over and started to fix some of Jungkook's makeup. He barely moved and his eyes fluttered shut as the girl touched up his black hair.

"You could always invite her to our concert." Someone said and I let my eyes drift towards the siren like sound. To be met by Park Jimin, literal god like creature. He was already looking at me, a faint smirk on his eyes. "Park Jimin," He said and tipped his head down, which I, not even conscious, returned.
"Y/n was it?" He asked with wink. Man, my cheeks must have been scarlet at this rate. I blinked at him, taking in every beautiful part from his blond hair to his sparkling eyes. I decided nodding was the way to go, because I was speechless.
Jungkook's eyes suddenly opened wide, and the makeup girl flinched and was quick to back off. "That's actually a good idea!" He exclaimed and snapped his fingers to a point at Jimin. "We have a little one here in Seoul the day after tomorrow. Y/n how long are you in town?"
"Um, for like a week."
"Perfect! You want to come?"
I scrunched my eyebrows and frowned, "But that's the day after tomorrow, do you just have spare tickets lying around?"
"Only for pretty girls like you." Jimin said flirtingly. A look of surprise passed over my face, Park Jimin just called me pretty? OmHgghpaRKJiminjustcalledmeprettygahsh. Instead of saying that... I resulted to play it cool. "Wait really?"
Jimin shrugged "We'll find a way."

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