No one in their wildest dreams would've come to the conclusion that the violation of the golden rule would be two mere mortals.

Those two were breaking time, love, and fate.

"So what are we supposed to do with them then? They're a threat! They can cause chaos with whatever they touch practically!" Cupid said, starting to panic. He read that the violation of the golden rule could break the cycle of time whenever.

There could be a time where time ironically doesn't exist anymore.

"The Big Man said he'll be doing some 'mental manipulation' if you will, to the two of them. I don't know what that totally means, but it's serious. When I told him everything, I swear a flash of fear appeared in his eyes for a split second. He then stared at me intently before dismissing me, telling me the plan." Destiny explained as she looked down at the two sharing a picnic together now.

"M–Mental manipulation?" Cupid asked with a shaky voice. He knew how fragile human minds were because he may or may not have accidentally broken one's mind before. Their perception of reality and dream was destroyed, leading them to madness.

The dead look in Destiny's eyes was enough to send a wave of nervousness and anxiety through his body. He shifted on his feet as she spoke,

"He's going to make y/n a non believer and have her mindset become one of someone who hates love and wants to be alone. And he'll somehow make Lily not be in love with y/n anymore because they aren't soulmates."

"What?! He can't do that!" Cupid cried out in protest as Destiny just shook her head helplessly,

"Apparently he can and he will. I don't know what will happen in the future now because he said that y/n's life timeline will be completely different in the love department; meaning Roseanne's fate is also changed."

The two couldn't grasp their minds around what will be occurring in the near future. The love lives that they have been so invested in will be changed. Cupid turned to look at Roseanne and y/n in the same home room class, oblivious to this fact. Y/n was talking happily to Lily and Roseanne was keeping busy with Vanessa.

"So... this might be it for them? Is never getting together an actual possibility?" Cupid asked as Destiny nodded her head,

"It is the most likely possibility. I had a few angels run some statistics by me and it's a 96% chance they'll never fall in love with each other. Well, Roseanne is still destined to fall for y/n, but y/n is now a mystery."

"How much time is left before the Big Man does the mental manipulation?" Destiny sighed at the question,

"He's doing it the day y/n turns 18. That day is going to destroy her forever and I don't know if she'll ever recover."

"So we're just supposed to sit here for almost 3 years?"

"He said that they can't alter time as much when they are younger than 18. But on y/n's 18th birthday, chaos will ensue."

"So can I still go to your dance competition?" Lily asked y/n as she played with her fingers under the desk. Y/n enjoyed how Lily would just like being near her and giving her these little touches; it soothed her.

"I don't know if any more tickets are available, but you can see if there are on the competition's website." Y/n told the girl she was courting, knowing damn well she still has an extra ticket herself. Lily nodded her head,

"Okay, I'll try after school today." Y/n smiled at her and the lecture continued. The two stayed close to one another and y/n still felt the butterflies in her stomach. She really does like Lily and hopefully with all the signs she's seen, Lily likes her back too.

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