LXII. You And I Forever

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Chapter 62, You And I Forever

" I don't think I'd trade this for the world, I'm happier than I'll ever be. That's a fact. "

~ Scarlett's POV ~

It's been a week since the proposal, my dad has been planning the wedding nonstop from day to night and it was stressful for him but he enjoyed it.
Every now and then I get excited because Alana and I are currently helping her pick the wedding dress.

"Lana, do you ever get scared of the future?"

I blurted out, I was nervous for what the future had in store for me, Alana looked at me and smiled at me.
She nodded her head and put her hand on my shoulders, she closed her laptop and gave me her full attention.

"I'm a grown woman and I'm still scared of what's to come, you have no reason to feel as if it's wrong to be afraid of the future."

Alana empathized, I smiled at her and hugged her tightly.
Through the ups and downs, Alana was always here for me and for my dad, she's never once left.

"Are you happy that I'm marrying your father? I know what it feels like when your parent remarries."

Alana asked as she kept eye contact with me, I looked at her and nodded.
There was truly nothing I wanted more than for my father to be happier again, happier than I could make him.

"You make him happy, I don't think I would want to come in between that."

I finally responded, tears swarmed my eyes leaving my vision blurry.
Alana was perfect for my dad but I just kept thinking about my mom, she wasn't a perfect angel and it scares me.

"I will never hurt your father, I love him with my whole heart."

Alana reassured me as she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, not everyone can say their soon to be step parents care so much about them.
I'm lucky enough to say that I can.

~ Jaden's POV ~

"Javon, don't you ever think about your crush?"

I asked curiously as we played basketball in the park, so far we were tied but it was pretty fun.
Javon looked at me and nodded as he tried making the shot but it bounced off the rim and landed in front of me, I dribbled around him and shot the ball.

The ball went through the hoop, that broke the tie.

"You're drooling a little bro."

Javon teased, I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully.
I was thinking about Scarlett, I wondered if she thought about me too.

"You are too, don't think I don't see the way you look at Layla."

I retorted as we walked home, Javon gave me the middle finger and shoved me playfully.
I laughed as we walked to the house, as we got to the front yard, I watched Scarlett and Alana leave the house.

Scarlett makes my heart race, I truly love her and it was something I always made sure she knew.
The way she laughs, smiles, sings, dances, just everything about her in general is special to me.

I always wondered, does she think of me the same way-

~ Scarlett's POV ~

I think of him?
I needed to know if Jaden saw me the same way I saw him, it was something that I thought was really special.

Alana was going home, I was proud to say that she was going to move in with us and be consistent in our lives and more importantly, mine.
I needed a mother who wasn't going to make me feel horrible every step of the way, I saw Alana as a mother figure I always needed.

the sun was setting, it made the sky look like a cotton candy color.
I looked over my shoulder to find Jaden walking over, his hair was a mess but he was in a different outfit.

"How's my favorite girl doing?"

He asked as he hugged me and kissed my forehead, I laughed as he bent down a bit so I could kiss his forehead.

"Pretty good, how about you?"

I returned the question as he pulled away from the hug and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Amazing now that I'm with you."

I smiled at his response, we sat down on the ground.
He held onto me as we watched the stars come out along with the moon, I look back at the first time we first even spoke.

That's now almost a year ago, I remember being so worried to even speak to him, all of that doesn't matter now that I'm with him.

"Are you happy with this, with me?"

Jaden asked out of the blue, I looked at him and cupped his face.

" I don't think I'd trade this for the world, I'm happier than I'll ever be. That's a fact. "

I kissed him softly as he laid down, I laid on his chest as he stroked my hair.
My mind was at ease, there was nothing else that I wanted other than him for the rest of my life.

"I don't think I ever want to be away from you, but what if I died before you?"

The question was something I had thought of at the moment and it came out accidentally.
Jaden looked at me and smiled softly, he kissed my cheek.

"Then I'll dig two graves for us my dear."

He replied, he used a song which was clever.
I closed my eyes and held onto him tightly, this was all because of lucky Cherry Scented perfume.

I have the boy I want, I have the life I want, nothing will ever compare to this.

Because I had fallen in love with the boy next door who loves me for me and I loved him for who he is.
Nothing will ever change or compare that.


Because I love him.

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