XVI. Dancing

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Chapter 16, Dancing

" I was on the dance team back at home, killed it everytime I was at a competition. Now I'm watching Isla kill it, from the stands, in my sweat pants.. "

~ Scarlett's POV ~

I was quite bored with the day already, I turned fifteen and nothing changed other than the fact I was going to take my driver's license in a few days from now.
I haven't been to a dance competition since I got here, I missed it if I was being honest.

I changed into a crop top tank and sweatpants grabbed put my hair in a ponytail and walked downstairs.
My dad was awake and watching baseball, I smiled and grabbed an apple along with my water bottle.

"I'm going to a dance thing, I've heard there's a team some blocks down."

My dad looked away from the TV and looked at me, he stood up and kissed my forehead before walking back to the living room to watch the game.
I walk outside and began to walk to the dance place, once I arrived I walked to the seats and watched as girls began to practice.

They were amazing, I learned that the girl who I was watching, her name is Isla.
She danced amazing, she was carefree and very majestic with it.

It's been an hour and I was watching Isla do cartwheels, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
Jaden smiled at me and sat beside me.

"Your dad said you were here, why are you watching kids like a creep?"

He asked making me laugh.

" I was on the dance team back at home, killed it everytime I was at a competition. Now I'm watching Isla kill it, from the stands, in my sweat pants... "

That sounded so depressing, but it was the truth.
I didn't miss dance as much as I missed baseball, I just loved feeling free everytime a song came on.

"Why don't you dance instead of baseball?"

Jaden asked, I sighed and took a moment to answer.
It was a good question that I wasn't ready to answer yet, I had only joined so my mother had a daughter that enjoyed doing things with girls around her own age.
It was so I could enjoy being around people who felt the same way I did.

I wish I said that, it would have given him a good description on what life was like when both parents together was like.
But instead, I sighed and:

"Baseball is something I love, not dance."

Jaden nodded and grabbed my hand, we walked out of there and walked around.
I like having these little moments with him, they were so special.

We were in front of his house, we walked inside and I was greeted by his family.
I already got to know DJ, Jessica, Jayla and Daelo.

Javon was someone I already knew but yet he still managed to surprise me on what he does or loves.
Like three days ago, I was walking home and he was doing flips and handstands.

He then told me he was into gymnastics which was cool, he showed me some tricks and tips.
Ever since then, he always told me what he loves.

Jaden and I got upstairs to his room and I sat down, we were talking about dumb things while scrolling through Netflix.

Soon we gave up on what to watch and played some music, I danced along to different songs.
It was fun watching Jaden dance with me, he was fun to watch as well.

He put on a slow song and asked me to dance which was cheesy but I wasn't about to turn that down.
I grabbed his hand and soon wrapped my hands around his neck as he repeated the actions to my waist.

I laid my head down on his chest and listened to his heart beat which was now increasing fast.
I smiled to myself as I knew my heart was the same way, I looked up at him.

It was a view I'd love to see everyday, he looked down at me and smiled slowly.
I watched as he leaned down, I closed my eyes as we leaned in.

Before our lips connected, the door open.
I moved back from him and turned around.

At the door was Daelo, he was smiling and wanted me to come play with him.
I said yes because he is my favorite Walton sibling, we played different games before the sun went down.

Once it did, I walked home.
Although I wanted us to kiss, I was glad we didn't.

A friendship needs to be perfected and secured before we do anything that would take us to the next level, it was perfectly fine.
I had everything I wanted in my head planned already, once I knew we were good friends, I would ask him on a date.

We would go to a roller skating rink and we would have a good time, soon there would be a slow song playing and I would dance with him the way we did today.
But this time, with consent, we would kiss.

It was going to be magical and amazing, although plans don't always work, I wanted to be with him.
Even if I had to wait a thousand years for him, I'd still wait to be with him.

I was glad that we were going to know each other for almost what now?
Two months already, I promise to wait until at least we are seven months.

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