Field Trips and Fails

Start from the beginning

"And I thought you guys were nerds before," I jabbed but that only made them grin wider at the name calling.


"First, we put the glowy thing in the mass spectrometer,"

"We gotta come up with a better name than "glowy thingy,""

"You're right."

"How about 'Thing you so stupidly brought to a highly populated school?'" I offered sarcastically but before Peter could open his mouth to shoot a snarky remark back at me he stopped himself when he saw two very familiar men in jumpsuits of sorts.

"Crap," Peter whispered before grabbing my waist and pulling me into a corner of the hallway to hide from the dealers. "Come on, come on, come on," he hissed at his friend who stood there blankly before awkwardly shuffling toward our hiding spot and only then did I notice I was mere inches from Peter's face and his arm wrapped around my waist feeling effortlessly naturally. I felt my body heat up in embarrassment and saw red text flash across my eyes.

Warning: Body heating up considerably. Please cool down.

"Uh... you can let go of me now," I stammered with an awkward cough causing his face to turn a brilliant shade of pink and he immediately let go of me, mumbling some words that vaguely sounded like an apology as Ned smugly smiled at the two of his. I smacked his arm harshly.

"Hey, that's one of the guys that tried to kill me," Peter noticed casually, peering over the corner making Ned's eyes widen and turn his head over to his friend is shock.

"What?" He whispered in shock at the sudden drop of information that he probably should have been told before.

"Yeah," Peter casually confirmed, not noticing his friend freak out as he carefully looked over the corner to watch the dealers cautiously.

"We gotta get out of here," Ned said in a hushed voice, not understanding why the hell we were still there and not running.

"No, no, no. I gotta follow them. They can lead me to the guy that dropped me in the lake," Peter argued and again, dropped another bomb of information we should have told Ned before this.

"Someone dropped you in a lake?" He demanded, taken aback at the news and our unconcerned reaction to it.

"And tried to stab you with his suit wings," I added helpfully causing Ned to whip his head back and forth between us.

"Someone tried to stab you?" He demanded again, looking like he was probably going to have another one of his Ned aneurisms.

"Yeah, it was not good," Peter told him nonchalantly, cringing at the memory for only a second before going back to the situation at hand. He watched the dealers go into one of the classrooms and started to scurry toward where they just went causing both of our eyes to go wide.

"Peter..." Ned trailed off uneasily, urging him to come back.

"Peter!" I snapped irritably at the boy who was about to follow two weapons dealers into a room alone.

"No. You guys need to stay there," Peter ordered and gaped at him and his audacity to order me around.

"Uh, yeah, no, that is not happening," I scoffed, following him but before he could argue I held up a finger, silencing him. "I am coming with you. We are partners, right?" I asked rhetorically and Ned wiggled his eyebrows at Peter behind me making me kick his shin silently.

"We're partners?" He repeated, his ears turning red as he stared at me with wide eyes and I gave him a 'duh' look.

"Why do you think I patrol with you, dude? Now come on," I urged and led the bay to where the guys headed and Peter instinctively followed with a victorious smile playing at his lips even though he lost the argument.

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