"I asked her how she did it" said Molly, looking back up at him. "Loving someone in the apocalypse. But, then I realized, that as long as you can survive, it can work." William smiled, as he went to kiss her, but she said "Not now. Remember, we don't want anyone finding out yet." "Right" William said, smiling, before grabbing breakfast and walking off.

                     Carly sat next to Hannah, who sat in front of a finished plate. "I'm taking Sam out" said Hannah. "We found a cabin full of supplies, but we were overrun. We're going back." "Are you sure that's wise?" Carly asked. "Are you sure we should risk more lives?" "He went to kill Spike yesterday" said Hannah. "He wanted to do it, for Anthony and Gwen. Nearly made it, too. I stopped him, though, and I need to talk to him about Gwen, and what he is feeling currently." Carly stared at her, before saying "Do you have enough ammo?" Hannah looked at her, and nodded. "Stock more" said Carly. "Just in case."

                         Sam stared down at his pistol, before pocketing it, as Hannah appeared at the door. "You ready?" Sam looked up at her, and said "We don't have to do this. You know that, right?" Hannah looked at him, before saying "We need that food." She turned, before saying "We're walking, by the way." "Why?" Sam asked. "Good exercise" Hannah said, walking off.

                           Todd stared at the fallen down pieces of the wall, as Hannah appeared with Sam. "We're going out now" she said. Todd looked up at her, and said "Be careful." "I always am" said Todd. "Hold the fort down here." Todd sighed, and said "I don't know how we can. The walkers keep coming." Hannah smiled, and said "There's always a way." Hannah and Sam then stepped over the gate, before walking off down the road. Todd looked at them walking off, before looking down at the fence, knowing what to do.

                            Anthony fired the rifle again, as another walker fell. Anthony pulled the trigger, but there was a click. He sighed, before he released the magazine and went to grab another. However, there were none left. He looked on the ground, and saw dozens of useless magazines, all over. He sighed, before taking the sniper out, and loading it, before shooting another walker.

                             Ted hit another walker with his hook, as Terry sliced a face off. Suddenly, a walker grabbed onto Ted, but Vivian shot it down from above. "Are you okay?" she called. "Yeah" said Ted, as they heard scraping against the ground. Todd was dragging the broken pieces of fence over, and said "We need to put these up again." 'They're destroyed" said Terry. "We can't." "Yes, we can" said Todd. "If we just fix these up again, we can activate the electric fence. This part would be weakened, but the other pieces of the fence would be intact."

                           "It doesn't work like that" said Vince. "Sure, we can get the fence up, but the fence wouldn't work." "So what?" asked Todd. "Our defenses are weakened. We won't make them worse. If we put these up, at least we'll be safe from walkers. We need this to survive, guys. We can't just waste weapons or bullets all the time. We need those for the Hounds. Guys, I want us to survive, and this place will be safe, and we can do that by just pushing a little bit more." They all looked at him, as a walker approached. Ted stabbed it, before turning. "We need to put that fence up" he said. Todd smiled, as they all nodded.

                               Sam and Hannah walked through the trees, as a few walkers were in the distance. Sam took his gun out, but Hannah said "Stop. There is no need for that. We just need to be quiet, and they won't see us." Sam sighed, before saying "We have plenty of food. We should just go back. "No" said Hanna. "Why?" asked Sam, stopping and looking at her. "Because Gwen cared for you like you were her own son" said Hannah. "She could never have children, but she had one in you. She loved you, and she wouldn't want you seeking revenge.

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