Chapter 32

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"Where were you?" Cy's mother screeched upon seeing me.

"I had to visit a friend..." I cleared my throat uncomfortably.

"Oh well. Next time couldn't you have just called them or something." She sighed dismissively.

Then, I grew angry. Who exactly was she to dictate what I do with my life?

"No. And I think its time I packed up to head back home."

Her face morphed into one of anger and betrayal. It sent a chill up my spine.

"I don't think so." With unimaginable force, she gripped my wrists and dragged me to my room.

Without a second later, the door shut and locked in my face. I was in shock. Who exactly is this woman I had been living with alone?

I tried to calm my shaky breath and forced myself to get back to work. I flung all of my clothes back into my duffel back. I hurriedly switch on my phone, praying it had more juice inside.

However, it spluttered and died.

Screaming in frustration, I flung the useless device into the ground. Then, I tried prying and prodding at the windows. But to no avail. It was bolted shut.

I wanted to scream, cry and curse at the gods. I was fearful, more than I had ever been in my life. With Dante, I was fearful, yes. But I was never fearful because of him. I was fearful of what the future might bring. But now, I was alone with this crazy woman and I knew my safety was in danger.


I fell asleep.

When I woke, it was dark. The only light was from the kitchen, streaming into my room.

My door was wide opened. I glanced down to see that I had a different set of clothes on. I shivered in disgust.

Did she change me?

I cautiously peeked out. Maybe Cy had come to my rescue. I wanted to jump for joy when I saw Cy sitting still at the wooden dining table.

However, my hope dropped when I saw her mother humming away at the stove.

"Oh! You're awake dear. Good. In time for dinner. Come join us."

Cy's eyes darted to me in panic, pleading with me to follow her mother's instruction.

I hesitantly took a seat by Cy. I dragged my chair closer to her, seeking safety.

I could feel hairs behind my neck starting to stand as her mother bustled around us. She set down bowls of mushroom soup in front of us and grinned excitedly.

"Isn't this nice? Just like the old times when Cyane used to visit us."

She set down a basket full of bread.

"She used to be your best friend you know. Both of you would run around the house and out into the meadow until dinner when I would ring the bells to call you girls home."

"Now we can do that again. We can do it everyday. Forever." Her smile haunted me and I averted my eyes.

I prayed. I prayed for this nightmare to end. I prayed for the safety I once had. I prayed to be free.


The clock was ticking loudly. But it did not stop her from chatting away as if nothing was amiss.

Dante's Love (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang