Chapter 33 (S3, E5) - Bouncing Back [Part 3]

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"Who the hell are you?" Tommy asks Felipe rudely as Anna rolled her eyes at him when he saw Anna walk into the room with Felipe in tow.

"Forgive him, Felipe" she says, "he seems to have forgotten his manners" she adds as she gave her husband a pointed look at this. "Tommy this is my friend and current bodyguard Felipe Beauvais, he's Celeste's grandson" she informs him.

"Doesn't explain why he's in me room, Anna" Tommy points out though his eyes never falter from looking at the man, who stared back just as monotonously at Tommy.

"Felipe, will you please excuse us?" she asks him in Haitian Creole as he nodded wordlessly at this before stepping out the room as Anna made her way toward Tommy.

The doctors were discharging him today so Anna had come to help him pack up his things and prepare for his journey back home.

"Must you be rude to absolutely everyone?" she asks Tommy as she started folding his clothes.

"I will be when me wife is traveling with men I don't fookin' know" Tommy points out to her.

"Felipe is a family friend" Anna says to him, "he's my friend" she adds. "And you absolutely will not have your people dig into his life, Tommy. I mean it" she says sternly, knowing that Tommy liked running background checks on everyone if they affected his life in some way.

"You seem awfully protective of him, Anna" Tommy remarks, watching her under suspicious eyes. Anna can feel his eyes watching her carefully and she's certain that he's probably formulating opinions and ideas of his own in that mind of his.

He has some nerve to think she's heating on him after what he did to her.

"Well of course I'd be" Anna says as she went back to packing his clothing as Tommy frowned at her response. She gave him just enough to keep him guessing but not enough to sate him.

⚜️Love Is A Battlefield⚜️

One thing Anna knew for certain is that Tommy WOULD be researching Felipe as soon as he got the chance. He wouldn't be Thomas Shelby if he didn't and after what happened to him he's become a lot more paranoid of anyone who wasn't his family.

Anna sat in the back seat with her husband beside her as Felipe and Johnny Dogs drove them back to Arrow House.

Tommy had called Johnny to come because he didn't trust Felipe as yet and wanted to travel with "someone that he knows" – Anna hadn't argued because doing so would have been like questioning his power and he's already struggling enough with the loss of that.

She climbed out the car first when they arrived at Arrow House as Tommy also stepped out slowly. She was careful not to appear like she was smothering him as he inhaled the fresh air as he took in the sight of their home.

"Your return has been very eagerly anticipated" Anna says to her husband as they watched the front door open and Nancy run up to them, with her curls flying in the wind as Patrice followed after her.

"Daddy! Daddy!" she exclaimed happily. Tommy's face had melted into a smile from the very moment that he laid eyes on his daughter.

Anna hadn't let Nancy come see him in the hospital, citing that seeing their parents sick is saddening and traumatic for little children.

Something Anna herself is all too familiar with.

"Hello, hello!" Tommy greeted happily as Nancy crashed into his legs as Tommy flinched a bit at this, not wanting to show his pain as Anna and the others pretended not to see.

"Daddy don't go again" Nancy says to him as she lifted her head to face him with tearful eyes, "promise?" she says as she held out her pinkie finger for him to hook with hers.

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