Chapter 24 - The Incident

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🚨Warning: This chapter has mentions of racism guys so this is just a heads up.🚨

⚜️Love Is A Battlefield⚜️

"Mrs. Shelby, wonderful ta see ya as always!" Alfie comments as Anna makes her way into his 'bakery'. "My, my, what a pleasant surprise this is turnin' out ta be" he says as he took his time to rake her over.

Alfie is sure that if Tommy could see how he was looking at his wife then he might put a bullet between his eyes. He can't help that Anna is such an attractive woman.

"Mr. Solomons" Anna greets him, "forgive me for bringing you some wine when you already make...bread" she adds as her eyes dart around the large distillery, "but I've been raised to bring gifts when visiting people for the first time" she adds as she extends the bottle to him.

"Raised right you were" Alfie says with a grin, "Ollie" he says to his right hand man who then proceeds to take the bottle from Anna with an inclination of the head. "Follow me then darling" Alfie adds as he turns away from her as Anna followed him into the 'bakery', keeping her head high as she watched some men gawk at the sight of her walking alongside Alfie as if they haven't seen the sight of a woman before.

They must not be used to the sight of a black woman walking alongside a white man as if they are equals. Or they must not be used to the sight of a woman in the distillery.

"See somethin' fuckin' interestin' 'ere, mate?" Alfie asks one of the men, who seems to panic at this.

"N-No sir" he says as he averts his head quickly.

"Then get ta fuckin' work before I make ya!" Alfie shouts angrily less than a second later, "I don't pay ya ta bloody gawk!" he adds as she man nods nervously at this before rushing to resume his work. "Sorry about that, yeah" he says to Anna as he turned to face her, "impolite buggers is all" he adds, "I'll give 'em a stern talkin' to" he adds. Anna is well aware that her idea of a 'stern talking to' and Alfie's are polar opposites.

Hers doesn't include bloodshed for one.

"I assure you that I'm well accustomed to it" Anna replies.

"How's Tommy feel about 'at?" he asks her as they made their way to his office.

"Not much he can do about it" Anna retorts dismissively as Alfie chuckles at this.

It is a mighty shame that Tommy got Anna-Maria first.

⚜️Love Is A Battlefield⚜️

"eard somethin' interestin' recently, yeah?" Alfie says to Anna after he's signed the paperwork that she needed him to sign.

"Something tells me that you'll tell regardless of whether or not I want to hear it, Mr. Solomons" she says to him as she put the papers in her briefcase.

"Smart one, you are" Alfie praises in a playfully mocking manner, "so your ex-husband, yeah, the toff" he says as if she doesn't know who he's talking about, "'eard he's gone a lil' crazy since your divorce" he adds as Anna gives him a blank look at this, "rampaging into all corners of London in search of prostitutes" he adds as Anna's face goes even blanker at this. "Somethin' about losin' ya drove the man mad, yeah" he adds, watching her carefully to see how she reacts to what he'd shared with her.

"I'm sorry to hear it" she says, "I can only hope that he'll get the help that he needs" she adds, referring to Charles' declining mental health. "Is that all?" she asks him coolly as Alfie chuckles at her monotone response.

Love Is A Battlefield [2] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Where stories live. Discover now