Chapter 21 - The Wedding (Part 2)

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Anna peeps her head into Nancy's bedroom and sees her daughter sleeping peacefully and soundly despite some of the noise outside and she smiles happily at this.

Tommy had disappeared again and she had no idea where he was but John and Finn were also gone so she assumes that whatever he is, he was probably with them. She gently closes the door behind her as she made her way downstairs.

Their guests had started filing out a while ago and Anna's family was sleeping over.

"Are you going to sleep already?" she asks her removed cousin Judith, who was making her way up the stairs along with her sisters-in-law, Esther and Madeline – the wives of Judith's brothers Daniel and Peterson, who were still downstairs either racing horses with the rest of the men or boxing.

"It's been so fun but we are tired now" Judith says with a light laugh in her accented English.

She mostly spoke Haitian Creole and French but she told Anna that she wanted to speak more English so that she could get used to the language.

Anna's found her to be light-hearted and fun to be around, just as her brothers were but for some reason Esther and Madeline weren't entirely comfortable with her yet and she can't say that she blames them as they never knew each other well until recently.

"Where are Danny and Pete?" Anna asks them amusedly.

"Racin' horses" Judy says as Anna laughs at this.

"Do you want me to send for them?" she asks Esther and Madeline in Haitian Creole, hoping to include them in the conversation as it would be rude to talk in a language that they do not know well enough to respond in.

"Oh no" Esther shakes her head, "let them enjoy themselves" she adds as Anna nods at this.

"Do you remember which direction your rooms are in or would you like me to show you?" Anna asks them, playing the gracious host.

"Yes, we do but thank you for offering, Anna" Madeline nods. Anna can tell that she still isn't fully comfortable with referring to her only by her first name as if they have known each other for long but Anna insisted that they call her Anna as opposed to her full name of Anna-Maria.

"This house is big" Judy teases with a snicker at the memory of all the times that they've gotten lost, "but luckily we still remember this time" she adds, tapping her head as Anna chuckles at this.

"Let me not keep you then" Anna says to them as they part ways.

⚜️Love Is A Battlefield⚜️

As Anna made her way downstairs she's met by the sight of Lizzie who was sniffling to herself as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Lizzie?" She comments as the other women perks up quickly at this as she quickly wiped away at her tears before turning to face Anna, giving her a smile that doesn't reach her eyes at this. "Is something wrong?" she asks the other woman.

"N-No Anna, of course not" Lizzie lies but Anna isn't convinced. Was she crying because Anna and Tommy were married now?

"Uh Lizzie, if being here makes you uncomfortable–" Anna says, unsure of how to comfort someone who might have seen a future for themselves with the man that Anna loves.

"N-No Anna it's not that" Lizzie reassures her quickly, "it ain't got nothin' ta do with you an' Tommy" she adds.

"O-kay" Anna drags the word out. "What exactly is the problem then?" she asks. Lizzie looks like she doesn't really want to say it but Anna convinces her. "You won't feel better until you speak about it" Anna points out to her.

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