Chapter 30 - The Bad Day

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To say that Tommy was in a bad mood would have been something of an understatement. Anna had taken Nancy with her to Arrow House, citing that she needed time away from him to think clearly.

After moving in with Anna and eventually marrying her he'd forgotten what it was like to sleep alone and he realized last night that he REALLY does not like sleeping alone.

He missed his wife and his daughter.

It doesn't help that John and Arthur were both giving him annoyed looks after it was John who saw Tatiana in Tommy's office yesterday.

"What, huh? Fookin' what?!" Tommy finally snapped as he looked at his brothers.

"Anna found out about you and the Duchess then did she?" John asks coldly.

"Don't fookin' start with me, John" Tommy warns him, "m not in the mood" he adds.

"Well what do you fookin' expect when you treat our Anna like she's some fookin'-"

"Let's get somethin' right here, John" Tommy snaps, "she's not our Anna. She's my Anna" he adds, "she's my wife!"

"Then why don't you treat her with the respect that she deserves then, Tommy?!" John challenges as both brothers glared at one another.

"Alright, alright" Arthur speaks up, playing peacemaker, "let's all just calm down" he says.

"Tell him to bloody calm down then!" John shouts angrily.

"Alright, that's it!" Tommy said before swinging at his brother as John lept at him as they started going fighting like they used to when they were little boys as Arthur tried to stop them, taking a few knocks of his own as he did.

"Alright, that's enough!" Polly shouted as she burst into the room where the brothers had been having their meeting. "Arthur, John, out!"


"I don't care who fookin' started it!" Polly shouts, "m endin' it!" she added angrily as Arthur helped John up before both brothers walked out the room as Tommy also stood, grabbing a seat in the couch where they had been having their meeting and grabbing his cigarette tin and matches and lighting one up.

"I got a call from Celeste today" Polly adds, "somethin' about you, Anna and the Duchess that John saw you with yesterday" she starts.

"So you two have taken to gossiping then eh?" Tommy asks coolly, not wanting to talk about his marriage with his aunt as Polly tosses him her handkerchief to wipe away his blood with when blood trickles down his nose.

"What the bloody hell were you thinkin' Tommy?" Polly hisses out angrily as he wiped away his blood. "You risked your entire life for one fook?!" she asks angrily, "if your brothers hadn't hit ya I'd hit ya meself for what you've put poor Anna through!" she adds.

"You're welcome to, Pol" Tommy adds, "it seems everyone is in the mood to hit me today anyway" he adds bitterly.

"Celeste says that Anna only stopped crying when she fell asleep! Said she's completely distraught" Polly reveals as Tommy shrinked back at this looking guilty at the revelation, "do you have any idea what she must be going through?" she asks him, "she recently lost her grandfather, Tommy. Had to hold him in her arms as he died" she reminds him as she flicked the ash of her cigarette at this. "Anna's a strong woman, she has to be to be married to you" she adds, "but you've crossed a fookin' line that I don't think you'll come back from with this" she adds.

Love Is A Battlefield [2] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Where stories live. Discover now