Chapter 31 (S3, E5)- Bouncing Back [Part 1]

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Anna was sitting in the corner of the hospital room that her husband sat in as she watched him sleep. It seems like in a matter of a week he's managed to lose so much weight and slim down to nothing but skin and bones.

He hasn't woken up in the true sense of the word as he usually woke up, said something groggily that she couldn't understand and then went right back to sleep again. It's been like this for an entire week now but everyone remained hopeful that he would pull through.

Anna hopes that she does too but she also can't help resenting him for what he's put her through.

A part of her may love him greatly but another part of her hates him just the same and she ends up feeling guilty for it, especially given the state that he's in.

She's had a lot of time to think ever since his hospitalization and whenever she did she just wound up getting angry again at the flashbacks of her husband disrespecting her in her own household.

What kind of a man sleeps with another woman in the same house that he shares with his wife and their child?!

Anna rises from her seat angrily, needing to get some fresh air as she was starting to grow angry again. When she steps out the room she quite literally bumps into Ada.

"Oof" the other woman says when they collide into one another. "Oh Anna, I–"

"It's my fault, Ada" Anna says to her. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" she adds.

"Is something wrong?" Ada asks her in concern.

"I just need to go out and get some fresh air is all" Anna says to her, offering her a half-smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes at this as she walked off and Ada looks at her in concern at this.

She knows all about what her brother did to Anna because that's all Tommy had been talking about after their meeting with the Russian consulate ended.

He'd been hallucinating at that point, thinking Anna to be Ada and begging her not to leave him, all the while clasping Ada's hand into his own as he sprouted one thing or another about how he would fix things and how he hated himself for what he's done to her.

Ada thinks that Anna has every right to feel angry at Tommy for what he did to her. Anna has gone through a lot to be with him and she gave him her everything only for him to turn around and betray her.

Ada can only hope that Anna's love is greater than her hatred and anger because if Anna divorces her brother then she has no fucking clue what Tommy would do.

⚜️Love Is A Battlefield⚜️

"Anna" Felipe greets her when she made her way out the hospital and pulled out her cigarette tin as she took one put and lit it up. "How is he?" he asks her.

"Still much of the same" Anna replies as she took a deep drag of her cigarette. Felipe nods at this and says nothing as they stood in silence for a few minutes before Anna spoke up again. "Do you think it's possible to despise someone and yet love them deeply at the same time?" she asks him as she stared ahead of her in deep thought.

"I think it's very possible" he agrees with a nod.

"I love him, Felipe–" she says.

"I know you do, Anna–"

"But I hate him too" she added. "And I hate myself for that" she adds, "he's hurt, he was on his deathbed just a week ago and yet I–" she closes her mouth when her words fail her as she felt tears fill her eyes as she tried to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat as her lower lip trembled a bit.

Love Is A Battlefield [2] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Where stories live. Discover now