Chapter 37 - Sacrifices

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🚨WARNING: Physical abuse, racism and racist language!🚨

"Wake up dearest" a voice comments as Anna groaned in response when she feels someone kicking her awake, "come on wake up, you have a visitor" the voice she recognizes as Charles' comments as Anna slowly opened an eye to see Charles and another man dressed in a priest's attire standing over her.

Father Hughes she realizes.

"You certainly had your fun with her, I see" the father says to Charles, who chuckles amusedly at this.

"Yes well, you know how it is when old lovers reunite" Charles adds, "or – uh – not" he adds, eying the priest's attire as the man gives him an unimpressed look at this

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"Yes well, you know how it is when old lovers reunite" Charles adds, "or – uh – not" he adds, eying the priest's attire as the man gives him an unimpressed look at this.

"Leave us" the father says to Charles as he proceeded to step out the room. Anna sat up with a slight flinch as she tried to sit as far away from this disgusting man as possible.

She knows exactly what this devil did to Michael and who knows how many other innocent children who believed him their saviour because of his attire when in actuality he's a wolf in sheep's clothing!

"Do you know who I am?" he asks Anna, who thinks for a few seconds about whether to lie or tell the truth.

"Why is it important for me to know?" she asks, deciding to do neither. This comment seems to amuse the man as he chuckles at this.

"Well I certainly know you, Mrs. Shelby" he says, "I know that you are the regent heiress of the Dashwood family until your daughter is of age" he adds.

"That's common knowledge" Anna says, "tell me something that I don't know and really impress me" she adds as he smiles a tight, cruel smile at this.

"Did you know that your grandfather was despised amongst aristocrat circles?" he asks her, "and I don't mean disliked but well and truly despised" he adds, "would you like to know why?" he asks her.

"Something tells me that you'll tell me regardless of whether or not I want to hear it" Anna retorts sassily, her body still sore from the beatings she took from Charles and this crazy priest's men as she rose from off the ground to stand at her full height.

"He was hated because he was a race traitor" he adds as Anna stared ahead of her in an aura of boredom despite her internal anger at his words. "He betrayed his race and fornicated with your filthy grandmother" he adds in a disgusted tone, "your mother had the right idea though" he adds, "she realized that your kind should stick with one another" he adds, "it's too bad she never got the chance to teach you the same" he adds as Anna's chest rose and fell as she clenched her fists at this, "because just like your race mixing grandfather you also have a child of diluted blood" he mocks with a scoff.

"You seem to be working well with Charles considering he's also what you call a race traitor" Anna remarks with a smirk, "or has he not told you how he actively seeks out women of the night of a...darker hue" she remarks with a taunting smile as the priest clicks his tongue angrily at this.

Love Is A Battlefield [2] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Where stories live. Discover now