Chapter 18 - The Dinner

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Anna and Tommy had decided to host a Christmas dinner at Arrow House and so that's where all their family and friends were convened.

Anna was laughing as she spoke with Lizzie and Alice as Claire blushed prettily at Isiah flirting shamelessly with her as they stood together.

It had taken a while before things between Lizzie and Anna stopped being awkward since Anna knew that Tommy had been sleeping with Lizzie up until he saw Anna again.

Lizzie promised that he'd never touched her again after that and Anna decided to trust her at this but she did warn Tommy that if he cheated on her then things between them couldn't work out.

Ada was chatting with Jack and James while everyone chatted with one another.

Tommy walked back into the room carrying Nance in his arms because she had been playing with her cousins and bumped her head and screamed her lungs out and by the time she'd stopped crying she no longer wanted anyone aside from her Daddy.

Both her parents had been pleasantly surprised when she said that she wanted her daddy, with Anna thinking that she meant Charles but she actually meant Tommy and now she was still sniffling, sucking on her thumb as she did as she lay her head in the crook of her father's neck.

"She's so adorable" Alice gushes, referring to Nancy as she watched her with Tommy. "And Tommy is really good with her" she adds.

"I imagine he's had some experience being an uncle to 6 children" Anna chuckles, even though she looks at Tommy and Nancy quite fondly.

Of course Tommy would be a great father considering he was already a great uncle to Karl, John jnr, Katie, Sally, Isaac and Christian.

"Who'd 'ave fookin' thought?" Lizzie says as she took a sip of her drink.

"I'll be right back" Anna says to them when she sees Mary. "Is something wrong Mare?" she asks the woman.

"Jean-Luc wants to talk with you, Ms. Igbodo" Mary reveals as Anna nods at this as she stepped out the room and made her way to the kitchens.

⚜️Love Is A Battlefield⚜️

Anna had to talk the chef, Jean-Luc, down from a near panic attack when the man complained that he couldn't make one dessert because he didn't have the proper ingredients and so would have to settle on another.

Anna had reassured him that that dessert would also be just as suitable. After finally managing to settle the man's frayed nerves she'd even helped him with the preparations for the cake, chatting with him in his native French as a way of calming him down and it seemed to work - for the most part.

Jean-Luc gestured to someone standing behind Anna as she turned to face the person only to be met by a familiar pair of blue eyes.

"Hey" she says as she dusts her flour covered hands off, "what are you doing here?" she asks Tommy.

"I was wonderin' where you'd disappeared off to" Tommy replies, "everyone was" he adds.

"Just helping Jean-Luc with something" she says. "Where's Nance?" she asks amusedly.

"Michael took her" Tommy admits, "when she finally settled down she asked him to give her a ride on his back so he's currently runnin' around pretendin' 'e's a horse" he adds as Anna chuckles at this.

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