Chapter 5 (S2, E3) - The Threat

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When Anna awoke from bed that morning she hadn't expected to be woken up to news that someone had killed her daughter's pony and yet that is exactly what she had woken up to.

Mr. Stephens claimed to have no idea who had done it and Charles had almost fired him for his inability to do his work properly but Anna talked her husband out of it. Charles and Anna agreed not to tell Nancy about what had happened for fear of breaking her little heart.

Anna spent enough time around gangsters to know that killing Nancy's pony had been a warning to Anna and Charles about potentially hurting Nancy.

When Anna's grandfather found out about what had happened he was furious and so Anna and Charles were forced to get more guards around not just their home but to guard Nancy too.

"Do you suspect that this has anything to do with your visit from Thomas Shelby?" Charles asks Anna as they sat in her study.

"Of course it does" Anna grumbles out. It's just her fucking luck that Tommy has gotten her and her family drawn into the mess with Sabini.

"How so?" Charles asks as Anna sighs at this. For someone who claimed to wish to broaden his political circle Charles was still quite closed off.

No doubt because his mother was the one who made the 'suggestions' of who he should and should not associate himself with and which galas and banquets he should attend.

Anna never liked attending them because of how people stared after her.

"The negro heiress" is what they'd call her and she didn't take too kindly to the name so she just avoided attending, having Charles give one excuse or another and eventually people stopped asking after Charles' "exotic" wife.

Not to mention the banquets, balls and galas were usually boring and full of stuffy, narrow-minded white people who threw racist glances and remarks her way when they saw her in attendance with her white grandfather.

People not unlike Anna's mother-in-law, Mrs. Rebecca Locksley.

"I don't know" Anna lies, "but I will find out and I will make sure that whoever sent us this threat knows that we don't associate ourselves with Thomas Shelby" Anna says

"Don't we?" Charles quips sarcastically as Anna gives him a fierce look at this. "I'm sorry. That was - improper of me" he adds almost immediately but Anna chooses to ignore his apology.

"You should go to work, Charles" she says to him, "I'll stay here with Nancy" she adds. Charles looked as if he wanted to protest but she cuts him off. "Whoever did this can't know that they've gotten to us. They need to see us rise above this occasion so go to work" Anna says as Charles sighs at this, silently agreeing with her.

If whoever this is thought they were cowering then they'd feel like they had power over them and that wouldn't do.

Not at all.

Anna was going to fight tooth and nail to keep her daughter safe but if it means that she's got to turn to a dark place in order to keep Nancy safe them she's not above getting her hands dirty - bloody or otherwise.

⚜️Love Is A Battlefield⚜️

"Anna that's bloody awful!" Ada comments in near shock when Anna called her to inform her about what had happened to Nancy's pony.

Anna had been calling to warn her to keep safe and keep a close eye on Karl whilst also checking up on her ever since she almost got kidnapped.

"How's Nance taking the loss of her pony? I know that she loved that thing ta bits" she adds sadly.

Love Is A Battlefield [2] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon