Chapter 10 - The Attorney

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Tommy couldn't believe his ears as he stared at Anna in pure shock. Anna was getting divorced. She was finally divorcing Charles Locksley.

"Well don't rush all at once to say something" Anna quips sarcastically as Tommy rests his face in the crook of her neck.

"This might be the single greatest news I've heard today" he mumbles into her neck.

"And not the fact that you've beat Sabini at his own game?" Anna asks him as he draws back from resting his head in the crook of her neck to face her. "You did it, Tommy" she says as she cups his face.

He could hardly believe it.

They had taken over London.

Just a few hours ago he'd been sure that he wouldn't ever get to see her again. That he'd never get to see his daughter grow up and now life has given him this second chance.

It's a second chance that he's taking and he doesn't want to squander it.

"I love you Anna" he says. All he could think about was how much he loves her and their daughter.

"I love you too Tommy" Anna whispers back as she caressed his cheek.

"You'll be pleased to know that I've informed John and the lads that you're here" Ada says as she walks into the room, carrying a bottle of gin and two glasses. "Aunt Pol was apparently worried sick when she noticed that you weren't back yet" she adds as they turn to face her.

"And Michael?" Tommy asks, "did they say that he's still there?" he asks as Ada arches a confused brow at this.

"Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be?"

"Aunt Pol and I made a bet about whether or not he'd stay considering everything that's happened" he replies as he and Anna make their way toward the table where Ada had placed the bottle and glasses and grab a seat on Ada's couch.

Ada knows her brother well enough to know that Anna is the only person that he would ever fully open up to about what happened today.

"And you won the bet, I suppose" Ada says, crossing her arms across her chest with a straight face. Tommy's response is a small grin which makes Ada roll her eyes, "of course you did" she grumbles just loud enough for them to hear, "Well, I'm off ta bed" she declares, "If either of ya know what's good for ya you'll keep it down because if my babies wake up because of you then I'll rain holy 'ell fire on the lot'a ya" she says to them.

"Yes ma'am Mrs. Thorne" Anna says with a mock salute as Ada snorts at this as she walked off while Tommy's lips tilt into a faint smile at Anna's playful exchange with Ada.

"So..." Tommy starts as Anna turns to face him, "what now?" he says to her.

"Now...we toast to your victory" she replies as she opens the bottle and pours them something to drink. "To the Peaky Blinders" she adds as she hands him his glass.

"And to your divorce from Charles Locksley" Tommy says as Anna snorts at his toast. Of course he's toasting to that.

"I can't believe you find joy in the destruction of my marriage" she teases him with a smirk despite clinking her glass against his.

"And your grandfather?" Tommy asks her as he takes a sip of his gin.

"He's...coming to terms with it" Anna admits. "I guess" she adds in afterthought as she takes a sip of her gin. " slept with May Carleton, huh?" she says coolly as Tommy chokes on his drink at this.


"I don't have the right to be angry or jealous" Anna admits as she looks away from him to look out the window. He's a single man and she's a married woman.

Love Is A Battlefield [2] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Where stories live. Discover now