Chapter 4 (S2, E2) - The Great Introduction

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Anna received word from Alice that Tommy had been attacked and was in hospital. Anna had been worried about him but she resigned herself to staying in London when she thought about the threat that he made about taking Nancy away from her.

He didn't outright say it but Anna knew him well enough to know that it was what he truly meant and implied.

She knows that he was saying it to scare her but she was still quite pissed off at him. If he did try taking Nancy from her then she would rain hell fire on him.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned after all.

⚜️Love Is A Battlefield⚜️

Anna sat on a picnic blanket, tickling her daughter as Nancy giggles happily and Anna laughed along with her.

"Stop, mama!" she said with high pitched squeals of laughter.

As always, Patrice was with them, ready to help Anna with anything even though Anna always tells her not to worry about it when she's with Nancy.

"You want mommy to stop, Nance?" she asks, tickling her daughter a little more before stopping as Nancy giggled happily.

"Mama, howrse!" she says as she held up her teddy bear. "Howrsie, mama!" she adds.

"I see it" Anna says with an over dramatic gasp, "such a pretty horse, Nance" she adds as Nancy smiles happily at having her toy be complimented.

Nancy squeals loudly when Mr. Stephens, the stable boy – who is actually a fully grown adult instead of a boy – made his way to the paddock with the pony that Charles bought for her.

Anna smiled at this, knowing of her daughter's love for horses as Nancy pointed at the horse with a large smile.

"Horsie, mama!" she exclaims happily. "Patty, horse!" she says eagerly to Patrice who nods just as eagerly at this.

"Do you want to see it, little one?" Patrice asks her.

"Yay!" Nancy says in substitution for yes as Patrice giggles at this before rising from her spot and carrying the little girl in her arms as Anna also rose from her own seat to follow them to the paddock.

Nance really loved horses and Celeste once teased that it was the gypsy blood in her.

"Mrs. Locksley" Carrie, one of her maids says as she turns to face her when she approached, "there's a man here who wishes to see you" she adds.

Anna arches a confused brow at this.

"You go on without me, Patrice" she says to the other woman who walked off with Nancy as the little girl chattered away happily, half of what she's saying being completely incoherent due to her excitement.

"Oh? Did he say who he was, Carrie?" Anna asks her.

"He said that he was a Mr. Daniel Richardson" Carrie reveals.

"I don't know a Daniel Richardson" Anna says, "but you can show him out here, Carrie" she adds, thinking him to be one of Charles' associates.

"Of course ma'am" Carrie says before waling off to go and show the man to the paddock as Anna turned back to watch her daughter.

She smiles happily at watching Nancy so happy and when she turns to face Carrie and the new arrival her eyes nearly bulge out of her skull when she sees that Mr. Richardson is actually Tommy.

"Thank you Carrie" Anna says to her as she and Tommy have a stare-down.

Carrie nods stiffly at this, noticing the way Anna looks at the man before walking off as Tommy's eyes land on Nancy, Patrice and Mr. Stevens.

Love Is A Battlefield [2] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Where stories live. Discover now