We're Having Gay Sex with Isabella Press

Start from the beginning

Isabella: Oh my god, happy pride! The month of our people! It's my first pride here in NYC so I'm very excited.

Kate: Oh my god, we should all definitely go together. We know where the fun spots are.

Isabella: Oh definitely, for sure, for sure.

Ashley looked down when she saw Isabella playing with a Black Widow ring.

Ashley: That's such a cool ring.

Izzy looked down and held her hand up so the camera could see the ring on her finger. Getting ready to pull up her acting skills since this was kind of connected to the Marvel project she was a part of.

Isabella: It's Mom's ring. I stole it from her.

Ashley: Okay, before we start, is there anything you are not allowed to talk about? Like are there things you are uncomfortable saying?

Isabella held the might closer to her lips and chuckled, her smooth kind of deep and raspy voice running through as she shook her head.

Isabella: Nothing really, I mean I know what I was kind of getting into just by the name of the podcast. And I'm used to these kinds of talks since I grew up with Aunty Tana and my Mom. People underestimate how blunt and vulgar they both are.

Kate: Are they really?

Izzy closed her eyes and laughed, nodding her head. 

Isabella: Oh yeah they are. 

Ashley: So when we bring up Dildos and fingering, you won't feel uncomfortable? 

Isabella: Oh honey, those are just part of being a lesbian.

Ashley: Good to know, good to know.

Kate looked at Ashley worried, making Isabella laugh.

Kate: What are you planning on doing, Ashley?

The comedian looked at her co-host with a mischievous grin.

Ashley: What? Nothing. Nothing. I don't plan on doing anything. 

Ashley: So you are comfortable in telling our gay sex stories? Just double-checking.

Isabella: This is why I'm here, am I not?

Ashley and Kate looked at each other excitedly while Isabella just shook her head at the both of them with a chuckle.

Isabella: So you invited me here thinking I won't talk about what your podcast is about?

Ashley: To be honest, I didn't even think your manager would answer our email. So when your team did, I was just shocked.

Isabella: I saw the episode you did with Izzy, the other Izzy, and it was amazing so, of course, I wanted to do this podcast. You know what though? Mom found out I was doing this podcast and she said that she remembered going to one of your shows here in NYC before.

Ashley: Oh my god, yeah. That was before she was part of the USWNT. It was 10 years ago I think?

Isabella: Yeah it was 10 years ago, and wait, here's the tea. She said you asked her on a date after your show.

The host put her hand on her forehead to hide her face while Kate looked at her friend in shock. With her mouth gaped, she started hitting Ashley with a pillow, the taller girl trying to shield her face, while Isabella watched with a grin.

Kate: Oh my god, you tried to shoot your shot on THE Michelle Press? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. What happened?

Ashley: Okay here's how it went. I think she just got off from her shift from the hospital or something, but she was just there with her co-workers, and yeah. I shot my shot.

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