Michelle Press and Santana Lopez Answers the Web's Most Searched Question

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Santana was the first one to sit on the chair, and she saw Michelle headed her way with her heels and, so she reached her hand out to help her. The younger girl smiled and accepted the help. 

"Thank you so much, babes."

"Honey, I got you."

Michelle sat on the seat beside her, wiggled on her seat to get comfortable, before looking at the camera and flashing it an adorable smile. 

"Let's get this started shall we?"

Michelle Press and Santana Lopez Answers the Web's Most Searched Question | WIRED

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Michelle Press and Santana Lopez Answers the Web's Most Searched Question | WIRED

"Hi! My name is Santana Lopez."

"And I am Michelle Press."

"And we are going to be doing a wired autocomplete interview."

Michelle was handed the board where she would be ripping off a piece of paper to reveal the question. "Okay, here we go." She ripped it off cleanly making her smirk at her best friend.

"See that? Fucking clean."

Santana playfully rolled her eyes and nudged Michelle. "Just answer the damn question."

What does Michelle Press eat in a day?

Michelle looked up from the board and smile. "I actually have a meal plan, since I am recovering from an eating disorder, I have to eat five times a day cause I have a fast metabolism. But there are a lot of salads, some protein in there so some chicken, and fruit."

"And rice."

"Yes, don't forget the rice."

"I bring her the food since she forgets."

She looked at the Latina beside her and nodded. "Yup, she, Britt, and Chris sometimes have to bring me some food. Anyway, next."

What Michelle Press doing right now?

"Uh..." She glanced at Santana and grinned. "Stuck doing this interview with this gal."

Santana scoffed and tried to pinch her, but Michelle immediately scooted away. "You think you're so funny huh?"

Michelle nodded her head proudly. "I actually think I do, thank you very much."

What is Michelle Press tattoos?

Michelle rolled her sleeves up, to expose some of the tattoos she has on her arms. "Okay, we will start here. I have this rose freedom tattoo my Abuelo designed back when I was in high school, it's a matching tattoo I had with my Lola."

She moved over to the other hand.

"Then this is an Olympic tattoo I had when I was in France, black widow tattoo I had with the cast, this collar bone tattoo of a design my Yeye designed, a matching shooting star with Tana, and... yeah. That's it really."

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