S05 E14: A Christmas Carol

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December 24, 2026

They were all back in LA, after 20 or so days of being apart, and Rihanna took this opportunity to kidnap Isabella and take her out on a date since it has been a while since she got to spend time with her goddaughter, especially after hearing what happened with Paige.

She still remembers the phone call she and Isabella had a few weeks ago. She never personally met Paige, but she knew that she meant a lot to the younger girl, so seeing her heartbroken broke her heart.

Rihanna entered her car, her iced coffee in hand before she looked over at the passenger's seat to see Isabella sipping on her iced coffee while zoning out.

For the past 24 days, Isabella has just been drowning herself with school work, soccer and writing. She and her godmother had just come from the studio since they were writing a song together, but even then Rihanna noticed the distracted look the younger girl had on her face.

"You okay babes?"

Isabella's head snapped up and she smiled at the singer, leaning her head on the headrest.

"Yeah, I just need to buy my own car now. We always used Paige's car for everything and I feel like Ma would like to have her car back."

Rihanna chuckled and shook her head before driving to her house where they both would continue their day together.

They both had just been laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling. She knew that her goddaughter would talk when she wants to talk and you would just have to wait for her to come to you.

Isabella moved slightly, leaning her head on her godmother's lap, humming in comfort when Rihanna ran her hands through her hair.

"Paige went out on a date with someone a few days ago."

"You guys talk to each other?"

Izzy nodded her head and let out a long sigh.

"We don't talk much, and I feel like we shouldn't... to give each other space, but yeah. We're still friends. The breakup was a mutual thing anyway."

"She went on that date fast."

"Her way of coping, I guess."

Isabella shrugged and pursed her lips.

"I'm convinced I would be dying alone."

Rihanna furrowed her eyebrows, giving the younger girl a look.

"Girl, no you're not. A lot of people are lined up to date you, for sure. I could already name a handful of people at the top of my head."

"Not anyone I had a history with please."

Rihanna chuckled, knowing how most of them ended.

"I think I'll stay single for a while, I don't think I'm ready for any of this."

"I bet you won't last 2 months without going on a date or at least being interested in someone. If you are anything like your Mom, you would be in another relationship by next month."

"Thanks for having faith in me."

She gave Isabella a look. (The Rihanna look)

"You and I both know I'm right."

Isabella stared at the ceiling in thought before nodding her head.

"Fair enough."

This is how they spent most of the day, the both of them catching up and telling each other stories until it was time to come home. Rihanna drove Isabella back home, promising to get their nails done next week with B and Mitch.

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