Chapter 1

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You had no clue how long it had been since the incident, you woke up from your drug induced sleep next to a dead soldier inside a crashed vehicle of some kind. Neither Rose nor Chris were anywhere to be seen. To top it all off, you were on the outskirts of a village you had never seen before - you and your parents never explored the country outside of your home as Ethan was paranoid due to prior events, and this place was ominous, covered in mist and completely devoid of life.
You had wandered through most of the desolate houses desperately looking for some answers, but the place was as quiet as a church mouse apart from a few wild animals which only served to put you on edge. The only resident that was alive and kicking was the scary old woman who you had steered clear of, however, she did give some confusing information on your little sister. You had picked up a gun from a nearby shack as you had heard some supernatural noises and was not taking any chances after what she told you about there being nothing but "death" since Rose appeared. Who knows what might spring up.
But right now, the cruel icy wind blew right through you and your h/c hair covered your eyes, you were certainly not dressed for the occasion as you sported only a (now ripped) black dress with matching leather boots. You walked into a nearby house to search for some warmth - a blanket, jacket, anything - that was until...
"Yaaa!" You cried out as a rotting man jumped out at you from the closet, he clumsily advanced towards you, tearing at the air with his horrid claws.
"No!" You closed your eyes and shakily fired your gun, which only managed to blow him back a little.
You had to escape. Panicking, you shot at him again, this time straight at his head. His grotesque growls getting more aggressive after every fire, the bullets seemed to stun him and you were praying he would stop, then eventually he fell to the ground completely motionless.
Your heart hammered against your ribs and your breathing was rapid, what on earth was that all about? Is there a zombie apocalypse? Or just a weird cannibal guy? You were still shivering but this time it was for a different reason. Who knows, but at least you were safe.
You brushed yourself off and immediately left that house, certain that it was cursed and you didn't want any of their means of warmth. You trudged onwards, definitely on guard for any more weirdos who might spring at you.
"Oh Rose" you thought after a few moments "where are you?"
Your head tilted up lazily in search for a response but instead your jaw dropped, the mist had cleared due to the icy wind and you had only just stopped to look up at your surroundings.
There stood the silhouette of an almighty castle. It was gothic yet regal with gorgeous towers and architecture. The gentle mist gave it a frightening yet curious aura, it certainly drew you in.
Maybe... maybe Rose is there?
After a few moments of awe, you made up your mind and headed down the cobbled path towards the colossal gate, hoping nothing would see you. When you arrived, you placed your hands on the bars and looked at a dusty plaque which read the words:
Castle Dimitrescu? You looked all the way up and saw a few of the torches were lit - Was someone still living there? Maybe they know something about the whereabouts of Rose or where you were- either way, people!
You gathered your strength and pushed your weight against the heavy iron gate and to your surprise it was unlocked, you thought perhaps they didn't bother since nobody lived in the village below, or maybe they had visitors.
You hastily made your way down the cobbled path, holding your arms in an attempt to shield them from the weather. You walked past a muddy moat and an unkempt garden, and finally you saw an entrance up ahead.
You broke into a sprint as you could sense the night approaching fast, beelining for the lever on the side of the door. When you finally reached it, you grasped it with both hands and began to slowly pull it upwards-
"Well, well, well, what have we here?"

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