bat brothers x httyd x jaquin au male!

Start from the beginning

"I'll be with him Chiefs." You then looked at Toothless and nodded as him, you, and your Jaquin started walking towards the Dragon Den.



"Damian... are you here?" You called out and huffed when you are being approached affectionately by Dragons and Jaquin to the point you are suffocating.

"Uhm... Toothless, (companion's name)... a little help!" Toothless emitted a blue glow and loudly growl while your Jaquin twirled and emitted a large gush of wind and this stopped the dragons and Jaquins nipping and move somewhere else.

"What are you doing here beloved?" You looked up and saw your partner whose wearing his dragon-Gotham clothes, surrounded by green cape, black scale armor and his sword by his hip. He has a frown on his lips and you couldn't help but smile.

You walk towards him and hugged him, him being taller and you reaching his shoulder. Damian huffed but then hugged his partner affectionately and glance to see Toothless grooming your Jaquin's colorful macaw fathers.

"Everyone's looking for you... it is your coronation after all." You said as he pulled you even more close and you blinked worriedly. You look up to see worry on his facial expression. You put your hands both on his tanned cheeks and his emerald eyes met your (e/c) eyes.

".... What if I messed up being the Chief of Gotham... not to mention Bludhaven... I can handle dragons but with the Jaquins and other villagers occupying Gotham.... I don't know..." He said worriedly as you smile softly and gave him an eskimo kiss.

"Damian... you are an Al Ghul, one of the fiercest, kind, and smartest people we know, you were able to make peace with the Jaquins, Dragons and people a like. None of your brothers can do that, especially Jason." You said and Damian chuckled while your Jaquin and his Dragon looked at awe at the couple.

"Damian... as one ruler to another, I'm here to tell you, you've got what it takes..." Damian looked at you as you smirked. "All you have to do is do what Chief Bruce taught you. Get out there and take charge."

His emerald eyes widen in worry and you just rolled your eyes. "You have always been a hero to us and Bludhaven. It's time for you to take the lead and fly bravely through that door..."

Damian flinched a bit and you saw that but smile assuringly, you whistled at Toothless and pointed at Damian, Toothless happily jogged at Damian and let him saddle on his scaly back as Damian huffed a bit then roll his eyes at his dragon's mischief.

"How is this gonna help?" He said worringly as you spoke again but was caught off by a roar outside and both of you saw Damian's brothers. Jason then spoke exaggerately, "You might be better known for behaving like a clown." Red Hood rolled his eyes as so did (Y/n). "Oh! Like when you lost your students and let papa down!" Jason laughed and you huffed and winked at Red Hood who burst himself into flames and this caused Jason to howl in pain and had to dump himself at the dragon's water station.

"Oh! Or when the Dragon King's egg almost got destroye-!" Tim stopped when Dick and (Y/n) glared at them and corrected himself- "I mean! You just got what it takes to turn it all around."

You saddled on (companion's name) back as he gently lifted their colorful wings. "Wings up!" Jason huffed but also saluted. "Wings up!" You and your Jaquin is now beside Damian whose now smiling slightly.

Toothless smiled wider than ever as Nightwing growled in praise and started to gently flap around them. "Don't listen to the voices and choices that lead you astray."

Tim and Red Robin also followed suit as they gently followed Nightwing and Dick. "Wings up!" The dragons on the den delightfully flapped their wings as Toothless roars in amusement but Damian still has worry on his face.

(Y/n) frown a bit but then glance at Red Hood who purred at Damian and Jason who is now at his saddle smirking proudly. "This is your hour to power up and seize the day! Wings up King!" Jason was the first to fly out of the Dragon den, followed by Dick, then Tim and then both Damian and (Y/n) with all of the dragons flying out too.


Toothless screech as Damian gulp and saw all of the villagers are looking at him, including his father and step-mother. They all then landed at the large platform, where the statues of previous King of Vikings surrounds them and Damian was hesitant to hop off Toothless who gave a small whimper of worry.

(Y/n) and (Jaquin's name) walked beside him and you spoke. "Its time for you to stand up tall and take that first mighty leap." Damian looked at you and he took a deep breathe and he felt a large hand gently grip his exposed shoulder and see it was Dick.

"Don't hesitate or you might fall and wind up in a tangle deep!" Dick had the audacity to gently push Damian off Toothless, where he and Nightwing laughed while Toothless just stuck his tongue out as Damian growled and looked to see (Y/n) holding out his hand for him.

"Don't worry about things going wrong..." You smiled as Damian felt assured now. He then saw their healer who is smiling softly and with berry paint on their hands. Damian Al Ghul stood proudly and so did Toothless and so did you and your Jaquin.

The healer then put the symbol of Gotham to Damian's forehead, followed by you over your symbol of Bludhaven. Toothless and (Jaquin's name) bow down respectfully beside the both of you and so did Damian's brothers and dragons.

You then spoke to Damian who took your hand to his. "Cause I know your heart is strong!" Damian and you lifted your holding hands and everyone applauded as the dragons emmited their own flames upwards and the Jaquins twirling and flying.

Toothless gave out an Alpha cry as your Jaquin let out an loud roar. Damian's brother cried al mighty as their dragons growled fiercer and blasted their own flames. Damian smirked and saddled on Toothless back as so did you. He smiled at you and so did you. He then spoke up. "Wings up!" He raised his fist and Toothless then take flight followed by (Jaquin's name), Red Hood, Red Robin, Nightwing, Skullcrasher, Selena's Jaquins and everyone screaming Wings up!

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