He's here!

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     Saints pov
       December 3, 2022 Syrus birthday he's 21 today and Serenity is 34 weeks as of November 29, 2022, she's bin in a lot of pain lately not gonna lie but everything has bin going good not gonna lie. Right now Elieah, Silas, and I are decorating the house for Silas surprise birthday party. Which honestly isn't until later tonight at their place so until then we'll be at Asé and I place.

    "I think this is it." Silas said.

    "You better be sure because Asé will kill us if we mess this up." I told him.

   "I'm sure that this is it Saint." He laughed.

    "Ok ok." I nodded as I called Serenity.

    "Yes my love?" She answered.

    "You can bring him back now." I smiled.

     "Ok." she chuckled. "We're in our way." She told me.

    "I'll see you when you get here." I told her.

    "Ok I love you." She said.

    "I love you too." I said as I hung up.

    Syrus, Elieah, Melanie, and I headed over to Serenity and I house. We sat in the living room watching tv waiting for Serenity and Syrus to get here. After about 20 minutes they walked inside.

  "This girl is the pits!" Syrus said causing us to laugh.

  "What did she do?" I asked.

    "Everything that's what and that baby making her mean." He mugged her.

   "Syrus shut up I did nothing." She mugged him.

   "Ok ok sit down and chill out both of you." Silas looked at them. "Syrus what did she do?" Silas asked him.

  "First we went to ship out all them damn orders right? Everything was going good. Then this girl had me all over the place bruh and she kept on whining and whining and whining even after I gave her what she wanted. Literally she said something but I told her to hold on and she straight up smacked me." He explained which was kinda funny.

   "Well she is pregnant Syrus what did you expect?" Silas asked him as he laughed. "Pregnant women can be a handful sometimes. But at least she got you a whole lotta shit for your birthday." He shrugged.

  "Yeah but she ain't had to hit me." He huffed.

    "I'm sorry for hitting you Syrus." Serenity told him.

    "Fine." He rolled his eyes at her.

     "Bitch." She told him.

    "Yo daddy." He mugged her.

   "We got the same daddy asshole." She mugged him.

   "I know that stupid." He laughed.

   "I don't like you bruh." She smiled.

   "Girl shut up you love me." He smiled.

   "Yeah yeah." She chuckled.

    "Bipolar much?" Elieah laughed.

    "Girl hush." Syrus told her as he chuckled.

   "My bad my bad." She chuckled.

     "So what we doing today for a real nigga G-day?" Syrus asked.

    "You'll see." Serenity smiled.

     "Y'all sneaky you know that?" He asked.

    "We know." I laughed.

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