Crazy Thankful Thanksgiving

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Saints pov

    Asé  is 33 weeks pregnant as of November 22nd she'll be 34 weeks on the 29th. Anyways It's 2 in the afternoon and Serenity hasn't bin out the room all day and I don't know why. Silas and Syrus keep telling me to let her be but they ain't telling me why. So if you ain't gone tell me why I'm gonna find out why. I headed upstairs then headed to our room, when I walked in she was sitting in the middle of bed.

  "Babe?" I called her.

   "Yes?" She sniffed.

   "You ok?" I asked as I shut the door then sat on the edge of the bed.

  "Yeah just in pain." She looked at me.

  "Where does it hurt?" I asked.

   She pointed to her stomach causing me to look at it— baby boy was acting the fool in there. I chuckled to myself then kissed her stomach.

"It's gonna be over soon." I told her as I held her hand.

  "I know and I can't wait for him to get here." She smiled as she sniffed.

  "You and I both." I smiled. "This blind date is soon over."

  "It is." She chuckled.

   "Well I'm gonna go back downstairs and leave you too it. I just came to check up on you." I told her.

   "Stay please." She looked at me.

  "Ok." I nodded as she laid down on her side facing me.

  I laid on my side facing her then I planted a kiss on her lips causing her to smile a little.

   "You sure you ok?" I asked.

    "No." She said as she teared up.

   "Talk to me tell me what's wrong." I said.

   "I miss them." She said. "I want them here with me to experience this." She cried. I knew that she was talking about her parents.

   "I know." I sighed

   "I know that Syrus and Silas told you that I haven't bin the same since they died, and I haven't. I was the happiest little girl you would ever meet. When mom died I was still that happy little girl I just wasn't as happy. Then when dad died that's when everything changed." She sniffed. "I was so mad at the world because why them? I was angry all the time, I didn't want to be around people, I got in trouble a lot, I distant myself from Silas and Syrus, I just wanted to be left alone." She cried.

  "Baby we don't have to talk about this it's ok." I teared up. I felt so bad.

   "I felt so lost in the world without them even though I knew that I wasn't alone. I made it hard on Silas and Syrus and I didn't mean to, I really didn't. I would shut them out all the time. I was so depressed I was in this dark place I didn't know how to get out of. I hated it. Then when Silas made 18 and took Syrus and I, I got a little better because Syrus was there—he talked to me no matter how hard I tried to push him away. Meanwhile Syrus and I got close I hated Silas because he was never there, he was always to busy. I knew it was because he was providing for us and I feel so bad that I resented him. But then he took Syrus from me leaving me all on my own again. I began to hate them both because why are you guys leaving me?." Her voice cracked. "I worried about losing them every night, I would have nightmares, I was scared all the time because we already lost mom and dad I couldn't lose them too. I ended up falling right back into that hole I ended up being right back in that dark corner. I-." She chocked on her words.

  "Baby it's ok." I told her as I wiped her tears. "You can stop ok?" I sniffed. I don't like seeing her like this. This is the first time that's she is opening up to me.

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