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    Syrus was dropping me home from my monthly check up appointment. They ran some blood test and they made me pee in a cup so they can do a pregnancy. I am indeed pregnant three weeks today to be exact. But anyways I got Silas to ship the orders out for me because I just wanted to go home and rest. I didn't feel like doing anything at all today. Syrus pulled up infribt the house and looked at me.

  "You're not coming?" I asked as I looked at him.

   "No Saint is in there with his mutt but only for a couple hours." He said.

  "Why? And a couple hours?" I mugged him.

  "Silas and I have things to handle and we only trust Silas to keep an eye on you Asé the usual." He sighed. "I'll try my best to make it home a little earlier I promise." He said.

  "Fine." I huffed as I got out the car.

  "I love you." He said.

   "I love you too be safe." I said as I shut the door then headed inside.

  When I got inside Saint and whoever that girl was was sitting there watching tv. I took my shoes off then headed into the kitchen. I grabbed a water then heat up my breakfast sandwich that Syrus got me. As I waited for my sandwich to heat up I got a phone call.

  "Hello?" I answer it was Silas.

   "You good?" He asked.

   "Yes I'm fine." I told him.

   "How'd the appointment go? How far along are you?" He asked.

  "It went good and I'm three weeks." I told him.

  "Ok good and I know you don't want Saint there but he's the only person I trust. Syrus and I will try our best to get this job done early so we can head home." He told me.

  "Ok." I told him. "Be safe please." I said.

  "We will. I love you." He said.

   "I love you too." I said as I hung up and grabbed my sandwich from out the microwave. I walked out the kitchen just to see Saint telling that girl to get off of him. He looked pissed which was funny to me she probably tryna kiss him.

  I headed up to my room shutting the door behind of me. I counted the inventory as I ate, I wrote down how many of each thing I had, then I sat down and reordered more inventory. After that I hopped on my website to edit it. Syrus, Silas, Saint, and I took some professional pictures in the merch while I did the wigs of course. I just never added them to the page but I am now. As I edited the website Saint walked into my room.

  "Serenity." He called me.

   "Yeah?" I answered as I edited the website.

    "Just came to check on you." He said.

  "I'm fine." I said.

  "Look at me." He said.

  "I don't need to look at you in order to respond to you." I told him as I finished editing the website putting up my lop top.

  "Serenity please." He said as he walked up to me.

  "Saint!" That girl yelled his name from downstairs.

   "Duty calls." I said as I looked at him.

   He rested his hand on my cheek brushing his thumb across it. I rested my hand on his hand taking it off my cheek. I teared up but I didn't let my tears fall.

   "Saint!" She yelled again.

   "Like I said I'm fine." I told him as we looked at each other. "Now can you go so she would stop all that yelling?" I asked.

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