He talks

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It was the next day and everyone's chilling basically what we do every Sunday. Right now I'm burning a Sage the usual. I light white candles with my bible open and I burn a Sage every Sunday. Giving the kind of business my brother is in we still live by the lord and I'm just really spiritual. As I walked around the house burning the sage I noticed that Saint was watching me the entire time. I paid him no mind though when I was done I sat my sage down in my black marble clay dish and let it burn out on its own. On Sundays all we really do is relax to be honest nothing to major.

  "You gone cook breakfast now or what?" Silas looked at me with a smile.

   "I swear I don't like you." I chuckled.

     "I know you love me." he stuck his tongue out at me.

    "Ehhh not really." I smiled as I got up.

   "Get out." He looked at me with a straight face.

   "Boy shut up." I said as I walked into the kitchen to get breakfast started.

  As I made breakfast in came Syrus. "What you want fool." I looked at him.

  "What's the deal with homeboy?" He whispered to me.

  "I really don't know I guess he just doesn't talk but, we can't judge a book by its cover. Maybe there's a reason why he's like that." I shrugged.

   "You right... so what you making?" He asked.

   "Crepes with strawberries and bananas, blueberry pancakes, and bacon." I told him.

  "Good I'm hungry hurry up." He smiled.

   "Don't rush me ugly." I mugged him.

   "Ugly? Who you calling ugly cause I know it ain't me sis." He said being all ghetto causing me to laugh.

   "You're a trip I swear." I smiled at him.

   "Yeah but you love it." He smiled.

    "I do." I said as I grabbed a water out the fridge.

    "You better cause you gone be dealing with it for the rest of your life." He laughed.

   "Shut up." I said.

   "Yeah yeah." He said as he went on his phone and I finished up breakfast.

   After about 30 minutes I was done with breakfast Syrus set the table then went to call Silas and Saint. When the case in the kitchen they washed their hands then sat down. I made everyone's plate and handed it to them after that I sat down. We prayed for our food then we ate.

   "So wassup with you?" Syrus asked Saint.

  When he asked Saint that I kicked him in his leg under the table.

   "What the heck girl!" He mugged me.

  "What do you mean by that?" Silas asked.

   "I mean he doesn't talk I just wanted to know why I'm sorry." Syrus said as he ate.

   "He does but he will when he's ready and it's ok." Silas said.

   "Ok." Syrus told him.

   Saints energy was so strong and I was trying to understand it but I couldn't. When I was done eating I I washed my plate then washed the rest of the dishes, I then cleaned the kitchen then headed into the living room. I grabbed my journal and sat on the couch, I airplayed my phone to the tv then played "The Bigger Picture" by Lil Baby. I wrote in my journal as I listened to the music. As I wrote the guys walked out the kitchen then sat on the couch.

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