Part 24

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It was a week later. I did keep my word and was taking things slow with Robert and he was showing me that he really did love me. He bought me everything. Flowers chocolates carrots as i have been craving them and a whole lot more. We have been kissing and things but its hard as i still don't know it I believe him. Every man can buy things for his girl and be forgiven but i think i overthink to much. I have forgiven him but its still in the back of my head.

I was currently cleaning out the hot tub in the garden as it hasn't been cleaned out in ages. I still have two months left with boyo inside me and i cant wait no offence for him to come out. Its a Sunday so it was no work and I haven't seen Robert since Friday. In a way it worries me as I'm scared if he is with shelly but thats me over thinking again.

I hear Marley bark at my front door and i hear the little beeper going off saying that the front door had opened. It must be someone i know or Marley would be barking like mad but he was quite.

"Marls do i have to come out with a baseball bat again?" I shout to the dog.

"Again? Who have you hit before?" I hear Ryan shout.

"Oh hey wait inside i will be two secs" i shout.

I take the gloves i was using off and i leave them on the side of the hot tub and make my way inside. I was expecting to just see ryan but no i had a full house. Amy dylan and logan. Robert ryan chris and scarlett.

"Did i invite you all in?" I joke.

"No but we are curious who have you hit with a baseball bat?" Ryan asks.

"I was joking. I just wanted to scare the person incase they were here to murder me. Living on your own for years and only being 25 is a real scare" i say sitting down on the sofa.

"How are you feeling?" Chris asks.

"Great apart from wanting to curl up in a ball and cry" i say.

"Why now?" Dylan asks.

"Well Dylan you cant ask a pregnant woman why she wants to cry. She might want to cry for quite a few reasons" amy says.

"Take advice from a mother" i wink at him.

"Well i hope you dont mind but we have all came over here for a movie night"'Robert says.

"Uh sure. Why here?" I ask.

"You live on your own. Huge place. A huge sofa and tv and you have a pop corn machine. Its a win win to come here" ryan says.

"Ugh fine" i say.

"Great. We are all going in your pool too" amy says.

I roll my eyes and they all stand up and head straight for outside. I didn't even care at this point. Im pregnant tired and hot. I just dont have any cares in the world. I stand up and get back to cleaning the hot tub. I watch them all swim about like kids and it makes me tired just looking at them all.

"Come on boring get in here" chris shouts.

"No you kids have fun i will get the food on" i say smirking at them all.

I do actually walk inside though and put pizzas in the oven. I put a bowl of crisps or chips and dip and a bowl of sweets and a few other snack things out of the fridge. I put pop into the pouring machine the one where you press the leaver down and it pours a drink and i lay my head on the cold worktop.

"Hey are you okay?" I hear Roberts voice.

"Yeah just a tired bear all i want is sleep" i say looking at him.

He makes his way around to me and wraps his arms into me giving me a bear hug. I smile into his chest and he pulls away looking at me. He does his smile and i cant help but kiss him. I lean in and he leans in with me and it was the softest kiss ever. His hands go to my neck pulling me in and my hands does the same. After a while he pulls away and i groan.

"Im sorry again mills I really am" he says again.

"Rob i forgave you" i say smiling.

"I really do love you millie. I would never cheat on you like i have said before you are different to susan" he says.

I take his hand in mine and smile.

"I know. I forgive you and i love you too" i say.

He pecks me again and we get the pizzas out of the oven. We put them on plates and take all the food outside. We all eat it and enjoy it then we all just play in the pool until it got dark.

"Can we go and watch a film?" Amy asks.

"Yeah Im tired" Dylan says.

"Im not tired but i could watch a film" i say.

" i agree" Robert says.

So we all go inside and change into comfy clothes. I lay on the sofa and Robert lays by the side of me.

"You two okay now? Are you like Yano not trying to kill one and other?" Amy asks.

"Yeah i forgave him yano" i say mocking her accent.

"Oh shush your American too" she laughs.

"I know but the way you say yano always makes me giggle" i say

"Oh shush i wanna watch these sexy woman" dylan says and amy slaps him on the arm.

We were watching baywatch and i look up slyly to see if Robert was drooling and he was but not over them. He was staring right at me and i couldn't help but smile.

"What are you smiling at?" Ryan asks me.

"Robert. He is looking at me and its making me melt" i say

He pulls me more in and i wrap my arms around his torso and after a while i feel myself drift off.

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