Part 20

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It was a week later. I had managed to see a Spanish doctor the day after the movie night and i was pregnant 6 weeks but something has happened between me and Robert. He hasn't spoke to me tidy in the days since then. He has been addicted to his phone always on a call or texting and he don't even sleep in the same bed as me he sleeps in the other spare room. Maybe it is too early for us the man had just got a divorce and made me his girlfriend and the same day he finds out he is gonna be a dad. It must be hard on him.

I was currently sat on the sofa in front of a fan. Everyone else was outside in the pool even Robert.

"Millie come here!" I hear ryan shout.

I groan and roll my eyes and i make my way outside i sit on the chair and when Robert sees me he goes white like he seen a ghost and he gets out of the pool and heads into the house.

"Two seconds" i say.

I follow him into the house quietly and was curious about why he was acting so weird. I follow him until he gets to the spare room and i hear a few things getting thrown. I open the door and he was laying on the bed with his phone in his hand

"Im not taking no for an answer we need to talk" i say sternly.

He stands up and heads for the door but i block it and he looks down at me.

"Don't make me do something i will regret millie" he says.

"Do what Robert? Hit me? Because that sentence you just said didn't sound very promising. Tell me whats wrong. If its me we will call it quits because i dont want stress on me while being pregnant" i say.

"Im gonna be a dad" he says.

"I know. Its gonna be hard but im here with you. We will get through it together" i say.

"You don't understand im gonna be a dad to two kids" he says.

"What?" I ask.

"I thought she was lying first but its true. Susan is pregnant. Two months pregnant basically a two weeks between you both. I had sex with you both. Thats what happens when you cheat i guess but i dont know what im supposed to do millie" he says sitting back on the bed.

"Neither do i. Robert are you sure that its your kid? She had sex with Benedict as well" i say.

"Even if it is his kid she will keep saying its mine just to get back at me or have me back. Of course i want to be with you but with her on our back how can we live a happy life?" He asks.

"We will figure it out" i say.

"Yeah. Well We are leaving tomorrow morning. I need to see susan" he says and walks out.

What the fuck. Me being the hormonal woman that i am i cry. I fucking let it all out and I couldn't stop the tears flowing. He still fucking loves her and im too blind to see it.

I walk out of the room and back downstairs. I walk outside and see Robert sitting on the chair looking at the others.

"I wont be long. Im going for a walk. Come on marls" i say to Marley.

Robert looks at me with guilt in his eyes but then something catches my eye. I look to the side gate and i see two people i wasn't expecting to see.

"Uh" is all i could say.

"Hello Robert" susan says.

His head spins around so fast I genuinely thought it was going to come off.

"S-susan what are you doing here?" Robert stutters.

"We need a word with you and your girlfriend" Benedict says.

"No" i say almost straight after and i head to the steps.

"Yes. Now be a good girl and listen for a change" Benedict says.

"Excuse me you don't own me. If i dont want to talk to you i dont have to" i say.

"Act your age" susan says.

"Act my age? Oh okay i will act my age" i say walking away.

"We just want to talk its nothing hard" Benedict says.

"Fine. You do realise im not on talking terms with the three people that im supposed to be talking with though" i say.

I walk back inside and sit on the sofa and shortly after i was joined by the other three

"Susan how did you find me here anyway?" Robert asks taking a seat next to me.

"I have my ways. Anyway lets tall" susan says.

"Im waiting" i say.

"Gosh haven't changed. Anyway susan is pregnant but Robert isn't the father. Me and susan are quitting the job and is moving to London. We figured that we all should live separately in different countries. We have caused enough trouble and we just want to say we are sorry" Benedict says.

I really didn't know what to say.

"Well that was shocking" Robert says.

"Robert i know me and you have been so much together but we both know it didn't work out. We are both now in happy relationships and i think its good for us if we just lose contact" susan says.

"Yeah i guess you are right. We all deserve to be happy and i guess this is a complicated situation if we are all in each-others faces" Robert says.

"Glad you agree. It was nice knowing you though" susan says standing up.

"Yeah you too. Hope your family will be okay" Robert says.

"Yours too" susan says.

Them three shake hands and susan and Benedict leave. I was still sat there mind blown.

"What the fuck just happened" i say

"I dont know but i do know this. Im so sorry. I want this baby with you millie i do. I was just scared the fact that i could of been a father to two kids that are with two different women scared me" he says.

"I understand" i say.

"Come here" he says.

I stand up and he pulls me to him and kisses me. I hug into him and smile.

"I love you" i say.

He smiles

"For the first time to ever say this to you. I love you too" he says kissing me again.

Guys i am so sorry. This story was probably shit. I was feeling good about making it at the start but after about four chapters I wasn't feeling it. I don't think there will be much chapters left on this and i was thinking about starting a new one. What do you guys think. You can private message me or comment what ideas i would love to hear them

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