Part 19

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It was the next day and i was currently walking along the beach with Marley as I didn't take him on a walk yesterday. I say next day it was 5.00am. The sun was rising and it was looking beautiful. Im not exactly in the brightest of moods. Last night we had food and I wasn't feeling right. I haven't told anyone but i have been craving and been having morning sickness for a few days so i did a test and it was possible. I did another one just to be sure and that was possible too. Me and Robert aint even in a relationship and his marriage is still on how the fuck can i tell him that he is gonna be a dad i will never know. Thats why i am up so early or late as I didn't go to sleep last night.I walked along the white sands and dipped my feet into the clear water then walked up to the rocks and sat on them. I took my phone out and put it on a twenty second timer and pressed start. I ran to the sea and posed and waited. I waited longer than twenty seconds just in case but when i got back the picture was really pretty.

 I waited longer than twenty seconds just in case but when i got back the picture was really pretty

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Who needs a photographer when you have rocks to hold your phone. Spain i love you

I pressed post and i lay the little blanket i brought with me onto the sand and laid there watching the waves.


I woke up to marley barking at a seagul.

"Marley shush" i say.

I must of drifted off to sleep. I check my phone and it was 11.24am. I had a dozen of missed calls off everyone.

"What the fuck. Marley come on we have been here six and a half hours!" I say

I grab the blanket and my shoes and me and marley sprint back to the penthouse. I ran up the steps and through the door where everyone was stood around the kitchen island.

"Hi" i say.

"Oh my god! You are alive! Don't ever scare me like that again!" Amy said throwing her arms around me.

"Jeez i have only been gone for a bit" i laugh.

"Well we checked everywhere for you both and you and marley were nowhere to be seen" chris says.

"I was over by the big rocks. I laid my blanket down and fell asleep" i say.

"We looked over there we couldn't see you" dylan says.

"Oh stop worrying I'm fine. I had my body guard with me anyway" i say.

"Well go down to the boat because thats where Robert has gone looking for you about five minutes ago" amy says.

I roll my eyes and i rush out the door. Down the steps and across the beach to the yacht. I could see Robert going down the stairs of the yacht so I followed him.

"Ugh where are you" i hear him say.

I say down on the sofa part and waited for him to come back up.

"Looking for something?" I ask when i see him.

"What the heck. Where have you been?" He asks worried.

He sits next to me and embraces me into a hug.

"Well i was taking a early morning walk with the dog but i laid the blanket down on the sand and i must of drifted off" i say.

"Where to though because we checked the whole beach" he says pushing a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"By the big rocks. Dylan did say they checked but they didn't look far enough" i say smirking.

Robert cups my chin with his hand and kisses me softly. I lean into the kiss and i straddle his lap. He holds my waist but pulls away from the kiss.

"I need to tell you. My marriage has been finalised. Its done. All done. Im yours" he says smiling.

"Wait really?" I ask.

"Yes really. Be my girlfriend? I have been wanting to ask that for a very long time" he says.

"I will be your girlfriend but is it too soon. I don't want to be seen as the girl who grabs you as soon as you are single" i say.

"Oh come on everyone on your Instagram is hyping us up and wants us to be together. I have been wanting it for ages and i know you did too. Come on please for me" he says with puppy dog eyes.

"How can i say no to them eyes. I will be your girlfriend but i have to tell you something" i say.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Do you know when you told everyone that i was pregnant well not everyone but susan?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He says.

"After we finished food last night i done a test. I had been feeling sick and things i was smelling that I usually like i hated. I craved so many things. I done a test and it came back positive. Im so sorry" i say turning away to hide my tears.

Robert pulls my face lightly to look at his and he smiles at me.

"Im gonna be a dad?" He asks.

"Im so sorry" i say.

"Millie i know its very soon as we haven't even been in a relationship but I'm not getting any younger. I would be happy to have this baby with you" he says.

I hug him and cry on his shoulder.

"Come on sweetheart lets go back. Im happy to have this baby with you but are you happy?" He asks.

"Y-yeah i was just scared what you would think" i say.

"Im over the moon" he says.

I smile and he takes my hand. We walk across the sands and we head back to the others where they were all on the sofa.

"Woah mills whats wrong?" Ryan asks.

"Im pregnant" i blurt out.

"What?" Amy asks.

"And im the dad" Robert says.

"Oh my god congratulations!!" Amy says rushing up to me and hugging me.

"Woah thats soon. You aint even a couple" scarlett says.

"Yeah we are. I asked her to be my girlfriend before she told me. My marriage is done i can finally be with millie and have this beautiful baby" Robert says.

"Aghhh im so happy for you!" Amy says.

"Thanks am" i say.

"How about a movie day as we have all had too much sun yesterday" chris says.

"Yes!" I say.

We all grab snacks and blankets even though the fans were on because it was boiling and we watched a ton of movies. I cuddled against Robert and we both held my stomach. What a day

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