Part 13

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Pounding headache. Aching back. Feeling sick and all i want to do is keep my eyes shut. Yes i knew i would regret it today. I slowly open my eyes and i look around the room. Im not in my house or amy and Dylan's. Not even Ryan's. Im probably in Chris or Scarlett's house. I look at my clothes and see that I'm in a pink pjs. Maybe im in Scarlett's house. I sit up and see a box of advill and a glass of water. So i take two and I slowly stand out of bed. I look in the mirror and i had to admit i looked okay. My make up was all wiped off and my hair was still straight ish.

I made my way out of the bedroom and downstairs.

"Scarlett are you here?" I call out.

"Why would Scarlett be here?" I hear a voice that i recognised. I turn around and i see him. 

"Robert what the fuck" i say.

"What has he done now" i hear susan say.

"I think im still drunk" i say and i sit on the stairs. "What am i doing here?" I ask looking at Robert.

"You were drunk and cold outside the club. You were being sick and we took you inside to tell the others that we were taking you home. You fainted in my arms and we took you here. I placed you in bed and you opened your eyes crying saying you are sorry. Susan dressed you in pjs and wiped your make up off  as it was terrible. We kept you here as you were in a terrible state" Robert says.

"I am so sorry" i say placing my head in my hands.

"Its okay honey we all do these things. You can have some breakfast with us then we will drop you home i know Your dog is on his own" susan says.

"Thank you but I really dont feel like breakfast can you just drop me home please" i say.

"Of course. Robert can you take her i have to do paperwork" susan asks.

"Yeah. Your things are already in the car i put them there this morning" Robert says.

"Thank you let me change into them though so susan can have her pjs back" i say.

"No need i will have them in tomorrow in work. Go home get cleaned up and relax" susan says

"Thank you. Sorry to be a bother i would have gone straight home" i say.

"No no its no bother. Honey take millie home please" susan says.

She walks up to Robert and he holds her cheeks and kisses her very passionately. I cant help but stare. What happened to talking to her and calling it quits?

"See you later darling" Robert says and susan blushes.

Do they realise im still here?

"Come on i will take you home" Robert says.

I guess so.

He walks through the side door and it leads us to a garage. He gets in his car and i follow suit and i sit in the passenger seat. He starts the car up and the door opens for him to drive out. His street was empty it was his house and a house opposite and that was it. There wasn't any houses for at least a mile.

"Oh by the way me and susan agreed that we both made a mistake and we are stronger than before. Im sorry for giving you the wrong idea millie but its best if we just stay friends. I love susan" Robert says.

Woah dagger through the heart.

"Yeah I understand don't worry" i say.

The rest of the car ride was very awkward. He played the radio and songs played even songs i loved but i didn't even vibe to them today. Its Sunday and I'm hung over i guess thats why i didn't vibe. Or maybe it was something else.

He pulls up outside my house and i climb out. He follows me to the door.

"Thanks for the ride" i say.

"Anytime. Im here if you need me millie. Im not saying im gonna stop being friends with you. I like you" he says.

"Yeah thanks. See you tomorrow" i say.

"Yeah have a nice rest of the day and night see you tomorrow" he says. He leans over and kisses the top of my head.

I watch him as he gets into his car and pulls off. He waves and drives away so i cant see him anymore. I unlock my door and Marley comes running over but i slide myself down the door and cry. Why am i crying though he was a married man. He had a wife which he loved i was just his revenge. I need a life.

I stand up wiping my tears away and i walk to the kitchen and prepare marleys food but as soon as i place the food on the floor for him my door knocks.

"Ugh" i groan.

I walk towards it and open it. Chris was standing there with a shopping bag.

"dr evans is at the service. I hear we have a hung over patient who needs care. Any idea who?" He asks grinning.

"Please doctor come in. Im dying" i say.

He laughs and shuts the door behind him and locking it. I plonk myself down on the sofa and he sits next to me. He places the bag in the middle of us and pulls out a few things. Chocolate,paracetamol,advill,dr pepper and a few other bits and bobs.

"You are a life saver. Thank you" i say.

"No worries. What the heck happened. I tried looking for you but i couldn't find you" he says.

"Long story..." i explained everything that happened this morning and over the week and he looked at me shocked.

"Woah im so sorry. Millie you deserve better than him. He was a married man and he was knocking about with you. You deserve the world" he says.

I smile and he hugs me. I pull away but i lean in and kiss him and i dont know why. Chris is amazing maybe i should give him a try.

"Im sorry" i say pulling away.

"I enjoyed it. Again please" he says.

I straddle his lap and things go on....

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