Part 10

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Three days later. I feel sorry for susan. Not for cheating on Robert obviously but for being his wife. He is hard work. Not in a bad way but he is very clingy. He has said a lot to me these past few days that have actually stuck in my head. He still hasn't told me what susan has done to him even know I already know. He has told me that these past few days he hasn't been depressed and he wished it could last forever. Me too but we both know that wont happen.

I was in my hotel room just chilling as the meeting isn't for another hour. I was actually scrolling through facebook when i hear a knock on the door. I walk up and open it and straight away Robert was attached to my lips. He closes the door with his food and holds me while we walk and he slowly pushes me to the bed.

"We have two more days. Two more days to have each other then its all over" he says.

"Robert we cant right now. Our meeting is in an hour and we need to drive forty five minutes to get there" i say.

"Ugh fine. I wonder if this is what susan feels like with Benedict" Robert says standing up.

"What?" I ask.

"Like when she is fucking Benedict. I wonder if she thinks when she is in the hotel with him 'we only have two more days left'. I just wish me and her would sit down and actually confess to not loving each other anymore. I do love her still and i know she still loves me so why do we keep fucking other people maybe we are just bored and want sex " Robert says.

I was actually shocked. Then i realised he is drunk. He literally just admitted to me he was using me for sex.

" go back to your own room. Get to sleep i will go to the meeting you are drunk" i say.

"Oh baby don't be like that. Im not that drunk" he says.

"Robert" i warn.

"Fine fine. I am using you for sex i used to want you because i thought i loved you but Benedict is in the picture now. Susan and Benedict used to fuck about she admitted it to me and i kicked off. She soon stopped but she is back on meetings with him. She is probably having sex with him right now. Ugh i hate that man" he says.

He stands up and walks out of the room. He was walking perfect. Smelt normal but i could tell he had been drinking. I sit on the bed and sigh. Three days is how long it takes for someone to fuck up.


I sat on my bed for a good twenty minutes then i realise i have a meeting to attend. Robert wont be in a fit state to so i will have to fill in his place. Good job I actually know what im doing. I changed into;

I didn't bother showing off my outfit instead i walked to Roberts room

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I didn't bother showing off my outfit instead i walked to Roberts room. He didn't even shut the door tight it was on a latch. I open it slowly and walk in and he was sprawled across the bed with soaking wet hair and just in a towel. He looked gorgeous but no millie get your act together. I grabbed the keys off the side and i walked to the car and drove to the place where the meeting was being held.

I didn't wait i just walked in and the man smiled.

"Hello im guessing you are miss Taylor mr Downey's assistant?" He asks.

"Yes thats me" i smile.

"Where is he. Will he be joining us?" The man asks.

"Unfortunately not today. I have everything i need though so i can go through the meeting that he was supposed to do" i say.

"Of course. Start when you are ready" he says.

I did the meeting and it went on for around two hours. They all really liked how I explained it and complimented me. I was thrilled but i wasn't thrilled with the fact that i had to go back to the hotel and face Robert. Not the best idea. But i had to.

I drove back and when i got to my hotel room door i tried opening it quietly but

"Millie" i hear Robert say.

I turn around and he was dressed quite smartly. A suit. A black suit. He looked hot.

"What is it Robert?" I ask.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

"Not really im hungry" i say going to open my door.

"Come for food with me so we can talk. Just talk nothing else" he says.

"Fine i will come with you because im hungry but it doesn't mean you are in my good books. Sobered up have you?" I ask.

"I wasn't drunk. I was half cut. I had a sleep and i feel fine. I knew exactly what i was saying but I couldn't stop. Meet you back here in ten" he says.

I roll my eyes and walk into my room. For them ten minutes i just sat on the bed I wasn't exactly dressed badly. I hear a knock so I answered and Robert was standing there.

"Ready?" He asks.

I nod and he holds his hand out.

"What?" I ask thinking that he wanted me to hold his hand.

"Keys. Im driving" he says.

"No chance" i say and i walk away from him and to the car.


At the restaurant

We sat down on a booth table and we order our foods they said it was gonna be a 45 minute wait so we talked.

" right im not even gonna ask you can I explain im just going to do it. Last night after you left my room susan facetimed me. Of course i had to Answer but my phone was on charge so i placed it on the side and she could see behind me. As it was on charge it was on a awkward angle and she gasped and looked at me angrily. She told me she could see a dress on the headboard of the bed and when i looked it was the one i took off you as you went to your room with a blanket wrapped around you. I tried explaining that that wasn't my room but she wasn't having any of it. Then Benedict came in the backround of the phone and then the call ended. Of course i was upset but at the same time i was pissed at the fact that i have known all this time she has been cheating on me. I went downstairs and got drunk and things started going through my head but I remember it. Yes i did lie and say it was all for sex and to spite susan the thing i had with you but i realised it was more than that. I went to my room and drunk cried then i woke up the next day at half hour before i came to you. I didn't mean anything i said to you but we both know we cant have eachother millie we both know that. Im sorry for what i said to you but us having sex every night here was wrong and it really shouldn't of happened im sorry" he says all at once.

I didn't know what to say.

"You are right. We have two days left until we go back lets just be normal boss and assistant and deal with the drama when we get back. A little white lie wont hurt say to susan that the dress was there as i used your room to shower" i say

"She has been cheating on me for months whats the point of lying" he says.

"Because i know you love her" i say.

Before i could say anything else the waiter comes with our food thank fuck

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